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Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019, you may be at crossroads, like so many other people indecisive on a new year plan.
If so, your New Year’s 2019 plan to get you organized. The organization is a problem that many have and want to fix. What better time to get organized and start a fresh new year plan than the New Year 2019?
Taking the step of declaring an organization as your New Year’s resolution is a huge step. You should be proud.
If you want to increase your pride and see success, you need to do more than just say “I want to get organized,” you need to make it happen. So, how you do transform your New Year’s resolution from a goal into a reality?
Do you want to de-clutter your bedroom, clean out your car, or organize your office?
Create a to-do list. The basics of an organization start at the space where you spend most time at.

Determine what areas you want to organize

This is important as an organization is difficult if you do not have a plan of attack. You are more likely to see success when you have a guide to follow. Start that guide by determining which areas of your life you want to organize. Do you want to de-clutter your bedroom, clean out your car, or organize your office?
Create a to-do list. As previously stated, being organized involves a lot more than targeting just one room. Some want to do their whole house, office, and car. If you are one of those individuals, create a to-do list. This will increase your chances of success. Having a guide to follow is essential. To make your to-do list, start with the headings mentioned above. Write down each area of your home you want to clean, as well as your car, office, garage, pool house, and so forth.
Create a plan of action. The first step in becoming organized is to rid yourself of clutter. You need to find an appropriate place for items. For example, eliminate that stack of files on your office desk by purchasing a filing cabinet. In your home, you may need to get rid of things or move items around, like into storage. For your home, be sure to have a clear plan in place, as this is the hardest place to get organized. Have a pile for things you want to throw away, donate, or sell.

Expand your organization to-list.

As previously stated, you should create a bunch of headings for your to-do list. For example, your child’s bedroom or playroom. Before setting foot inside the room to clean and organize, know what you need to do. This keeps a project that should only take two days from turning into a two-week project. Your detailed list can include sorting your child’s clothes and donating those that no longer fit, collecting old toys to sell or give, and so forth.
Take it one step at a time. As mentioned above, being organized is a huge, but essential task. If you want to organize and de-clutter your entire home, it could take you months. If you try to rush the process, you will get overwhelmed and see poor results. Does it take a month for you to clean out and organize your garage? If so, that is fine as long as it gets done. When dealing with your entire house, start with one room and work your way out. If using a to-do list, cross each task off once you finish.

Share your New Year’s resolution with others.

Organizing your home and keeping it organized is not something that can be done alone. Not only share your New Year’s resolution with others in your home or office but share a few tips on how they can help. For example, is your husband known for tossing mail off to the side? Buy a desktop sorter and encourage him to use it. Do you have a small child? They are never too young to learn about cleaning up their toys or helping in the process.
Practice healthy habits. You can organize your garage, but it can be unorganized in as little as two months if you aren’t careful. That is why you should use organization tools to your advantage, like storage shelves. These great tools, when combined with use, can ensure you not only meet your New Year’s resolution of getting organized but make it a lifelong habit. The rewards are usually reaped close to home.

Happy Planning 2019.

Spy Cameras And Home Protection

Spy Cameras And Home Protection

With crime on the rise, technology has lead to a decrease in home security prices. Although many devices have dropped in prices over the years, the spy camera is one of the most popular to experience a decrease in price. What was once only dreamed about in movies such as James Bond is now a reality that is very affordable.

Hidden Cameras

The spy cameras of today are included with pin cameras, pens, and even cameras that are hidden in a pair of sunglasses. Most kits cost a few hundred bucks and will come with sensors and remote Internet access – complete with alarms. This way, you’ll have the chance to hook up your house wide cameras to your main cable system and watch the spy camera from any screen in your house. To watch the video though, you’ll need to have your television set to a specific channel.

Motion Sensors

Along with spy cameras there is also a variety of other devices that you can use to protect your home and yourself such as motion sensors, alarms, trip wires, spy cameras, surveillance cameras, finger print locks, digital locks, and many more. Almost everything is available at an affordable price, unless you choose to have professional installation. Professional installation will cost a lot more money, possibly even thousands of dollars if you have a big house.

Professional Advice

If you aren’t familiar with the way spy cameras and other spy related security works, it may be in your best interest to hire a professional. A professional can show you how to work the equipment and answer any questions that you may have. Even though it will cost you a lot more than if you were to do it yourself, it would be a lot better than messing something up. Spy cameras and equipment can be very tricky – especially if you have no experience with home security.

The pin and sunglasses spy camera is among the most popular. These cameras may require professional installation, as you’ll need to hook the wireless panel up to a monitor or your computer. Depending on the type of spy camera that you are using, hooking everything up can be anywhere from novice to professional level. Sunglasses can be great to use at home or anywhere else you travel within distance, as the camera is completely undetectable to those who are standing within your field of vision.

Planning and Securing a Home

For protection around the home or anywhere else you travel, a spy camera can be a great investment. These cameras are becoming more and more popular these days due to the drop in price. Although they were very expensive when they were first introduced, those times have changed. You can get a spy camera now for just a few hundreds bucks – making it an investment you can never go wrong with.

Thank you for visiting Best Decision Coach and reading the Spy Cameras And Home Protection article.

Preventing Burglary With Adequate Lighting

Preventing Burglary With Adequate Lighting

As many already know, adequate lighting is a critical part of keeping your home safe. Even though lighting is very important to home safety, a lot of homeowners don’t look at their lighting as being an integral aspect of safety. No matter where you may live, you should always make sure that there is plenty of lighting in place and that the lights are out of reach for those without a ladder.

Light up the Outside House Environment

The lighting that is around the doors of your home is very important, as most burglars like to focus on doors before anything else. When it comes to the doors of your home, any lighting at all is better than no lighting. If a burglar sees lights around your home, chances are he’ll move on. If the lights are off however, the burglar will more than likely proceed as planned.

Use Motion Trigger Lights in the Yard

If you own a garage, you should always use an automatic garage opener. Once they have been activated, most will automatically turn on the lights. Your carport is also important to safety. If you are going to be away from home, you should always make sure that the leave the light on your carport on. You can also use motion detected lights as well. When these lights detect any type of movement, they will automatically turn on – which could easily startle a burglar.

For the exterior of your home, motion detected lights are the way to go. If you have a large backyard, you should always make sure that you use motion detected lights. To be on the safe side, you can always connect an alarm to the lights. This way if someone was to move through your yard, the lights would sound the alarm. Burglars don’t like alarms and they will normally flee the instant they hear an alarm sound.

If you are planning to use motion sensors in your front yard, you should make sure that you have planned the locations carefully. People walking by the sensor or kids playing nearby can easily trigger it. When you set the motion sensors up you should always make sure that you hook lights up to them as well. This way, those in your family will know where the motion detectors are and they can easily avoid them.

Think Safety First

Having the right amount of lighting around your home will go a long way in keeping your family safe. Burglars don’t like to be around light, which is why it is so very important. If you don’t have a lot of lights around your home, you should do something about it. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – all you need is enough lighting to make sure that a burglar thinks twice about breaking into your home.

Thank you for visiting Best Decision Coach website and reading this Preventing Burglary With Adequate Lighting article.

Location Decision And Crime

Location Decision And Crime

When looking to buy a house, the location of the house is very important. Most people want to buy a home in a decent neighborhood, as they have the intention to remain at their home for many years to come. If someone is planning to buy a home strictly for the resale value, then the location will prove to be even more important. The resale factor of a home is very dependant on the location, simply because someone wouldn’t want to buy a home that wasn’t in a decent neighborhood.

What goes in the territory?

When buying a home, the general rule of thumb is to purchase a home that will appeal to a large number of potential buyers. To do this, you’ll need to look at the location of the home. The community is very important, especially in terms of crime. If you buy a home in a neighborhood that is well known for crime you’ll more than likely have difficulty when you try to sale. Bad neighborhoods generally spark little to no interest. These days, people want to buy homes in the best possible neighborhoods that they can afford.

When buying your home, you should always narrow the choices down a few of the best cities around you. You’ll want to buy your home in a community that has a very stable economy and plenty of commercial and business districts. This way, when you decide to sell your house, you can rest assured that your house is in a good selling area. You should also look at the crime statistics for the area as well. If the crime rate is high, you should look into another area.

Availability of Schools for Children

You should also look into the local school system as well. Even though you may not have kids now, you should always think about the future. A home that is within a short distance to shopping centers and quality schools are always easy to sale. If you buy a home that is in a bad neighborhood and has poor schools, you’ll quickly regret that decision. If you can’t afford to purchase a home that is in a good location, you should work on your credit and save up some money until you are able to purchase a home that is in a desirable location.

Although the size of a home is important, the location is one of the most important aspects to buying a home. The location is important for those living in the home as well as the resale value. A home that is in a desirable location is always easy to sale, for the simple fact that the location speaks for itself. If you’ve been thinking about buying a home for the resale value – you should always make sure that you pay close attention to the location.

Thank you for visiting Best Decision Coach and reading this Location Decision And Crime article.

Laws Concerning Israel’s Kings

Biblical Education

From The Nemesis Book. Author Victor Leinonen

“A king has a responsibility to hear the complaints of the people. They were not to put a foreigner over them, who was not their brother.
There was the clear guidance of the responsibilities and principles given to a King in Israel; he was accountable for his office as a king. These instructions and law are given in 1400 BC. There is no excuse for any ruler to be irresponsible, only self-appointed dictators, and despots position themselves above the Spirit of the Natural Law, such as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.”

Book of Deuteronomy.

Chapter 17.

Starting from Verse 16

o “Only he must not acquire many horses for himself or cause the people to return to Egypt to acquire many horses,
o Moreover, he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away,
o nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and gold.
o “And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by[a] the Levitical priests.
o 19 “And it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them,
o 20 “that his heart may not be lifted up above his brothers,
o and that he may not turn aside from the commandment,
o either to the right hand or to the left, so that he may continue long in his kingdom, he and his children, in Israel.”
– Moses 1446 BC.


“The same principles of responsibility apply for the human reason to engage in and to take upon as a priority value for life.
“The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. The reason is that law, of nature. And the human capacity to reason together.”

John Locke.

“The disconnect between the rebellion and anarchy of the Russian revolution became an infectious fever that was caught by people everywhere where there were Bolsheviks and the Russian military presence.
Then came dissent, defiance, rebellion, and mutiny. The Russian Seamen in the port of Finland mutinied their officers on the ships and the ashore.”

“The Russian engagement in the World War 1 took its toll on the people. The intolerance and unrest grew by the military failures and setbacks during the three and a half years of World War 1.
Russia had been engaged in WW1 for 3 1/2 years. Then came the realization that it was wasted effort, enormous loss of human lives and resources to continue the mindless slaughter at the front lines of WW1.”


“Looking back at the events of history, the 1917 Russian revolution can be compared to the 26 April 1986 Chernobyl disaster, which was a catastrophic nuclear accident.
Those people that romanticise the Russian revolution are irresponsible and out of touch with reality. They are mostly lefties, like those in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. What is there romantic about the Chernobyl disaster, that was a catastrophic nuclear accident?”

“People that romanticize Chernobyl catastrophic nuclear accident do not think laterally of the people who live in Nordic countries, and East Europe when the radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl accident was scattered. There were Russian, Ukraine and the international spread of radioactive substances, much of it deposited in mountainous regions such as the Alps, the Welsh mountains and the Scottish Highlands, where adiabatic cooling caused radioactive rainfall.”

“Approximately 100,000 km² of land was significantly contaminated with fallout, with the worst hit regions being in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. Slighter levels of contamination were detected over all of Europe except for the Iberian Peninsula.”
Wikipedia E. , Chernobyl disaster.


Learn more about The Nemesis Book by visiting THE NEMESIS BOOK Face Book page.

New Year’s Resolutions and Organization: See Success

New Year’s Resolutions and Organization: See Success

This New Year, you may be like most Americans and make a resolution. If so, your New Year’s resolution may be to get organized. Organization is a problem that many have and want to fix. What better time to get organized and start fresh than the New Year?

Taking the step of declaring organization as your New Year’s resolution is a huge step. You should be proud. If you want to increase your pride and see success, you need to do more than just say “I want to get organized,” you need to make it happen. So, how you do transform your New Year’s resolution from a goal into a reality?

Determine what areas you want to organize.

This is important as organization is difficult if you do not have a plan of attack. You are more likely to see success when you have a guide to follow. Start that guide by determining which areas of your life you want to organize. Do you want to de-clutter your bedroom, clean out your car, or organize your office?

Create a to-do list.

As previously stated, being organized involves a lot more than targeting just one room. Some want to do their whole house, office, and car. If you are one of those individuals, create a to-do list. This will increase your chances of success. Having a guide to follow is important. To make your to-do list, start with the above mentioned headings. Write down each area of your home you want to clean, as well as your car, office, garage, pool house, and so forth.

Create a plan of action. The first step in becoming organized is to rid yourself of clutter. You need to find an appropriate place for items. For example, eliminate that stack of files on your office desk by purchasing a filing cabinet. In your home, you may need to get rid of things or move items around, like into storage. For your home, be sure to have a clear plan in place, as this is the hardest place to get organized. Have a pile for things you want to throw away, donate, or sell.

Expand your to-list.

As previously stated, you should create a bunch of headings for your to-do list. For example, your child’s bedroom or playroom. Before setting foot inside the room to clean and organize, know what you need to do. This keeps a project that should only take two days from turning into a two-week project. Your detailed list can include sorting your child’s clothes and donating those that no longer fit, collecting old toys to sell or donate, and so forth.

Take it one step at a time.

As mentioned above, being organized is a huge, but important task. If you want to organize and de-clutter your entire home, it could take you months. If you try to rush the process, you will get overwhelmed and see poor results. Does it take a month for you to clean out and organize your garage? If so, that is fine as long as it gets done. When dealing with your entire house, start with one room and work your way out. If using a to-do list, cross each task off once you finish.

Share your New Year’s resolution with others.

Organizing your home and keeping it organized is not something that can be done alone. Not only share your New Year’s resolution with others in your home or office, but share a few tips on how they can help. For example, is your husband known for tossing mail off to the side? Buy a desktop sorter and encourage him to use it. Do you have a small child? They are never too young to learn about cleaning up their toys or helping in the process.

Practice healthy habits.

You can organize your garage, but it can be unorganized in as little as two months if you aren’t careful. That is why you should use organization tools to your advantage, like storage shelves. These great tools, when combined with use, can ensure you not only meet your New Year’s resolution of getting organized, but make it a lifelong habit.

Happy New Year 2018.  I am glad that you visited this website  to read this New Year’s Resolutions and Organization: See Success article post. I hope you and your family have a really  Good New Year 2018.  Cheers!

Read more Happy New Year 2018 articles at


Scholarships For The Older Generation

Scholarships For The Older Generation

More and more older individuals are choosing to go to college. It is an extremely modern trend that sees a higher number of mature students wanting to attend lectures and obtain a degree than ever before. It is no surprise considering the educational opportunities that are available now were probably not available to them when they left high school ten, twenty or even thirty years ago. Going to university is not a novel concept but it may seem that way to individuals that never had the opportunity. Now that they do have the opportunity, they want to make the most of it!

A mature student may apply to go to college for any number of reasons. It may be that they feel a career change is in order, or that they want to do something for themselves now that their children are old enough to fend for themselves. These are the two most popular reasons why individuals apply to college in their twenties, thirties, forties and even fifties, but what about the financial wrench that their families will experience as a direct result of one less income to deal with when they do attend a campus based university or college? Education would then be their full time pastime, but what of the lost income?

Scholarships For The Older Generation Explained

There is financial aid available for mature students, and only for mature students. This means that you do not have to compete with the general public for grants and scholarships, only people over the age of twenty-five. Some may actually stipulate that the minimum age is thirty, but they are in the minority. There is national, state and college funding available for mature students because the government is dedicated to getting a high number of individuals over a certain age into education as part of their initiative to bring education to the masses. Most colleges and local governments have followed the federal government initiative and recognised that a massive section of the workforce would be neglected if older individuals were not encouraged to apply.

Applications from older individuals usually depend on whether or not the potential student

Quit Smoking Date

Your Stop Smoking Quit Date

You are going to need to do several things to stop smoking, and that includes picking an actual quit date. Here is the catch though; this date does need to come. People every year decide that as a New Year’s resolution, they are going to aim to quit smoking, but January 1st comes and goes and they are still smoking. Rather than finding yourself in this position pick a day to quit and stick with it. On that day, all of your cigarettes need to be gone, and you need to be prepared mentally to kick the smoking habit for good.

You are out to make a complete change in your life so you decide to pursue quitting smoking. While the option has crossed your mind before, you now have a sudden desire to actually quit, and to do it for good. You no longer want to be trapped to the cigarettes that have held you hostage for so long. This means it is time to start looking towards developing a sure fire plan that will allow you to quit successfully and for good. You no longer want to consider the option that you will fail; you have decided to go full steam ahead and now is the time for action.

You should also look into setting up a rewards program for yourself; use the money that you are saving by not buying cigarettes to fund it if necessary. A year of smoking can easily cost more than $1,800 so you have a generous budget to work with if you are working towards permanent results. Just be sure to look for things that you really want to help encourage you. If you merely rely on the financial rewards, or just the physical and health rewards you are much more likely to fail, combine several types of rewards to keep yourself really motivated.

Right decision
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Quit Smoking Date Explained

As you are working to quit smoking you need to increase the amount of exercise that you are doing, you should also start to watch how you are eating. Many smokers find that as they quit smoking, they start gaining weight. This can often be a huge shock, but if you are exercising and eating right, you can minimize the weight gain to ensure that you are instead focusing on quitting smoking, rather than splitting your time between trying to quit smoking and trying to lose weight. Be prepared to pack on a small amount of weight but these small changes will ensure that you are not gaining large amounts.

A final consideration that you should take into account is your overall health. If you are in poor physical condition, you should discuss your plan to quit smoking with your doctor. While a doctor is not going to discourage your from quitting, they may have some helpful advice and information that is specific to your health situation. This can also be great because your doctor will be able to monitor your health to ensure that you can make the most impact in the quickest amount of time.

Simply trying to struggle to quit smoking on your own is not necessary. Using the advice from your doctor, as well as working with a well developed plan you will find that it is not as hard as you ever imagined. You are certainly in for a long and difficult road, but you will be able to find success at one end of the road, which will leave you in better health, and also help you to take pride in yourself for your accomplishment.

Thank you for visiting website and reading this Quit Smoking Date article post.  I hope these articles were informative and helpful in your search. Do visit /   and share these links with our friends.  Thanks.

Your Reason To Quit 

Your Reason To Quit

People who choose to quit smoking without an actual reason to quit find it much harder to quit. When the going gets tough, they typically have nothing to look at as an ultimate motive. What might seem entirely impossible for one consumer can seem like a total dream for others. If you find that you are in this position you need to sit down and really analyze your decision to quit. Decide on the specific reason and write it down if necessary so that you always have a reminder. You may be surprised at just how helpful it is to write your wishes down.

If you are struggling to quit smoking, you are certainly not alone. Each year there are millions of adults who choose to stop smoking. Each year there are also millions more who start smoking. This creates a never ending cycle of adults struggling to quit, learning the best ways to quit smoking is never easy. While there are plenty of excuses that tend to circulate all around, there are also several great resources that can be a huge help as you are struggling with the idea of quitting smoking. What might seem easy for you to master one day, might be your biggest headache another day.

Your Reason To Quit 

It is extremely important to gain a thorough understanding of why you want to quit smoking. Simply waking up one morning and deciding to quit typically does not work. You need to have a specific reason that you are determined to quit. Whether your reason is for improved health, due to the request of your doctors, because you want to save money, or you just really want to be alive for your children. Ultimately, the reason itself is not important. The important thing is having a reason.

If you have to talk to others to help you decide upon the specific reason then feel free to do so. This can often be a great exercise to help you strengthen your resolve to quit as well. What might seem like a simple idea on paper may seem completely overwhelming if you start thinking about it. Talking to someone can help you to once again realize that it really is simple. Additionally, talking to someone about your desire to quit can be great to help you realize the temptations that you may encounter as well as ways to conquer those temptations.

Your Reason To Quiet Explained

Choosing to quit smoking is not an easy decision. The fact that you cannot simply quit is going to make it much harder. Many people find that they are absolutely terrified to quit smoking. They believe that they just do not have what it takes to quit successfully. Finding yourself in this position is often scary. It is important to have a good network of supportive people around you. From your friends to your family you need the mental support of people who believe in you. Feeling down is going to be normal at times, but your support network should be quite helpful in boosting your confidence again.

Gaining the strength to quit smoking will take some practice. Overcoming all of the temptation is difficult of course as well, but pulling support from your friends and family, as well as making a conscious decision to quit will go a very long way in your struggle. What starts as a completely overwhelming process will ultimately seem quite simple. You will be able to quit smoking, you might have difficulties but you will ultimate come out triumphant over the cigarettes.

Regaining control of your life is possible, and with your support network in place, you will be able to ensure you are around for a very long time, and your health is much better. Simply deciding to give up on your attempt to quit smoking is not possible. You will be able to regain control, using your own strength and pulling the support of those around you it really is possible to change your life for the better, one cigarette at a time.