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Is Donald Trump the Next Useful Idiot for the Soviet Russia?

The American politicians have a history of being naive and useful idiots for the forces of the enemy.

The American politician blunders affects lasted decades and trillions dollars were lost due to the American politicians blunders.

The American politicians that were useful idiots were too narrow minded, and they did not listen to the Eastern Europeans and the Nordic country people regarding the spiritual identity and the nature of the Soviet Russo beast, that did not respect the spirit of the Natural law.

Regardless of the Bolshevik violence and crimes against humanity during 1917 to 1922, and the slaughter of the rule of law respecting Russian monarchists the Western politicians believed that peace would win in the end.

The establishment of the Soviet Satanic Union in Russian 1922 built up the military in order to get an upper hand over their European and Nordic country neighbors. Peaceful existence and cooperation with the Russian Western neighbors was not on the agenda. The Soviet Russian wanted to conquer and dominate over the gullible peace loving citizens of the East Europe and the Nordic countries.

The violence and destruction of humanity in the Stalin Soviet Russia from 1922 to 1939 is an abomination. The western politicians were spiritually blind and deaf to recognize the nature of the Soviet Satanic Union beast.

The American useful idiots gave more powers and provision to Josef Stalin Soviet Satanic Union during a time when the German Operation Barbarossa was a judgement of God to strike down and punish the godless Soviet Satanic Union State Atheism. Religious persecution, the shut down of religion freedom in Russia, hundreds of gulag forced labor camps, the Moscow trials and death sentences on the innocent, millions of Russian died because of the Soviet Satanic Union and the despotic leadership of Josef Stalin.

The American useful idiot politicians provided Billions of dollars to Josef Stalin, by the Arctic Sea Route, food supplies, alcohol, military uniforms, winter clothing, thousands of airplanes, trucks, jeeps, and much much more.

There should have been more constraints relative to nature of the Soviet Satanic Union beast. The nature of the beast was not going to change, even if the Americans provided help during the judgement of God upon Josef Stalin Soviet Satanic Union.

It only took five short years when America citizens would have to go back on the defensive against the Karl Marx worldview philosophy, implemented by the Soviet Satanic Union communism, and global revolution effort by the USSR and China.

The USSR Cold War position and force was made possible by the Western Alliance support and provision given to Josef Stalin during 1941 – 1950.

The 1917 t0 1922 Bolsheviks revolution in Russia should not have been encouraged, because their Karl Marx ideological worldview was godless and diabolical. It should have been allowed to die by the hand of the Germans in 1941-1944.

A controlled elimination of the Soviet Satanic union diabolical worldview.

The American and Western useful idiot politicians were spiritually blind and deaf, they called Josef Stalin a Good Old Joe. Why would they call such an enemy of humanity and a professional criminal and a murderer of humanity a “Good Old Joe?”, because the American and Western politicians are so shallow, spiritually deaf and blind.

Is Donald Trump Going To Be the Next Useful American idiot For the Russians?

Donald Trump is driven by deals, only the republican Party can put constraints and brakes on him. If the American politicians would study history, and learn from the East European and the Nordic people regarding the spirit and the nature of the Soviet Satanic Union beast, and keep their distance far away, from making deals, that will allow the Soviet Satanic beast too live on and regain more military power and strength. The current Russian leadership in the Kremlin is motivated by the Soviet Russo nationalism, godless totalitarian nationalism.

Say no to Putin, say no to Soviet Russian nationalism.

Thank God for the Republican Party and for Ronald Regan

Article from

“Ronald Reagan’s presidency was the most important in a half-century, perhaps in a century. What I would like to discuss with you today are the 10 most important legacies Ronald Reagan leaves America and America’s next president.

The 1970s were a dreadful decade for my country. The 1980s have been much better, thanks in large measure to Ronald Reagan’s leadership and the 10 most constructive and important legacies he leaves behind.

Formula for Economic Growth

There is a new dynamism in America. And Ronald Reagan once again proved that capitalism works-that free market economics succeeds. This is a wonderful legacy for America-and the world.

New Federalism

Reagan has invoked words, thoughts, and images that have touched American hearts and have recalled a special pride we long had in our country.


The Reagan Doctrine is a true revolutionary policy. It proclaims that the future belongs to democracy, not to Soviet-imposed dictatorships.

Checking Judicial Activism

I realize that the appointment of American judges is an issue to which foreigners pay little attention. Yet it is very important because court decisions have a great impact on government policies.

Rebuilding America’s Military Might

Throughout the 1970s, under Republican and Democratic presidents, the U.S. became militarily weaker.

Grappling with the Bear

For too long America gave Moscow the advantage in negotiations. Those who were making U.S. policy seemed to feel that any treaty with the Soviets is better than no treaty. As such, Americans were always willing to make concessions to Moscow; we were afraid of sticking to our position if this would mean that the negotiations would break down. The result of this was the series of Soviet gains at the bargaining table: SALT I, the ABM Treaty, cultural exchanges, SALT II.

The Reagan Doctrine

The Reagan Doctrine is a policy of true liberation. It recognizes that national liberation movements in the Third World can be on the side of freedom and democracy and that the U.S. can help these national liberation movements win. It breaks with the 1970s when the U.S. had become isolationist and was unwilling to remain involved in the world.

Demise of the Brezhnev Doctrine

For two decades, we in the U.S., in the West, and in Asia were told by Moscow that the global correlation of forces had shifted in the Soviet favor and that this shift was permanent. We often believed this. This, in effect, is what the Brezhnev Doctrine was proclaiming: that once a country joins the Soviet camp, it must remain forever in the Soviet camp. The most dramatic example of this, of course, was the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia 20 years ago.

Defense Technology with a Human Face

The Strategic Defense Initiative may turn out to be the most important Reagan policy because it could change the world. It could end the nightmare of nuclear holocaust.

Restoring Confidence in the Presidency

Reagan’s final legacy is that he reignited Americans’ optimism and restored Americans’ faith in the presidency. We had become very pessimistic in the 1970s. We saw one president after another fail-Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. We started believing that America’s best days were behind it.

There is a new dynamism in America. Ronald Reagan once again has proved that capitalism works-that free market economics succeeds.

Touching American Hearts

And then, of course, there are Ronald Reagan’s words. I am not sure how they will sound to you, with your very different culture and history. But Reagan has invoked words, thoughts, and images that have touched American hearts and have recalled a special pride we long had in our country.

Frequently, Reagan talked about America as a promised land. He called America a “Zion in the wilderness,” and “a city on the hill.” He said often, in speaking to Congress or on television addressing the nation, that America is “the last best hope of man on earth.”

SDI is a policy that could end Moscow’s ability to intimidate and blackmail the U.S. and the rest of the world.

This then is the legacy that Ronald Reagan leaves his people. It is an impressive legacy. It is a marvelous legacy. And it will influence the direction and policies of America for years to come.

This article is adapted from a speech delivered at the China Association for International Friendly Contact, the People’s University of China, and the Shanghai Institute for International Studies in October 1988″.


Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech On The Death Of Yahya Sinwar October 17 2024

The Hamas Terror Organization leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, has met his demise. It seems like the tables have turned for this notorious terror leader. Sinwar had been leading Hamas in Gaza for quite some time, spreading fear and chaos throughout the region. But now, his reign of terror has come to an end.

The Hamas Terror Organization leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, has met his demise. It seems like the tables have turned for this notorious terror leader. Sinwar had been leading Hamas in Gaza for quite some time, spreading fear and chaos throughout the region. But now, his reign of terror has come to an end.

One year ago, Yahya Sinwar, the terrorist chief of Hamas, launched the October 7th massacre against Israel.

One thing is for sure, though – the people of Gaza can finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Yahya Sinwar is no longer in power. His reign of terror may be over, but the scars he has left behind will take much longer to heal.

Sinwar was known for his incorrigibly obstinate ruthless tactics and brutal treatment of his enemies. He ruled with an iron fist, showing no mercy to those who dared to oppose him. But now, he has finally been taken down, bringing a sense of relief to the people of Gaza who have suffered under his rule for far too long.

October 7, 2024 was the bloodiest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

It was the worst attack on the Jewish State since the founding of (Modern 1948) Israel.

Sinwar’s terrorist murdered in cold blood 1,200 people. That’s elderly people, Holocaust survivors, children.

They brutally raped women. They beheaded men. They burned babies alive. And they took 251 women, men and children hostage to the dungeons of Gaza.

Today (18 October 2024) the mastermind of this sheer evil is no more.

The Head of the Hamas Terrorist Organization Yahya Sinwar Is Dead.

“He was killed in Rafah by the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces”.

One thing is for sure, though – the people of Gaza can finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Yahya Sinwar has departed from the Planet Earth and is no longer in power of the Hamas terror organization. His reign of terror may be over, but the spiritual cloud and the physical scars he has left behind will take much longer to blow over and to heal.

While this is not the end of the war in Gaza, it’s the beginning of the end.

To the people of Gaza, I have a simple message: This war can end tomorrow. It can end if Hamas lays down its arms and returns our hostages.

Hamas is holding 101 hostages in Gaza, who are citizens of 23 countries.

Citizens of Israel, but citizens of many other countries.

Israel is committed to doing everything in our power to bring all of them home. And Israel will guarantee the safety of all those who return our hostages.

But to those who would harm our hostages, I have another message: Israel will hunt you down and bring you to justice.

I also have a message of hope to the people of the region: The axis of terror that was built by Iran is collapsing before our eyes.

  • Nasrallah is gone.
  • His deputy Mohsen is gone.
  • Haniyeh is gone.
  • Deif is gone.
  • Sinwar is gone.

The reign of terror that the Iranian regime has imposed on its own people and on the people of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen – this too will come to an end.

All those that seek a future of prosperity and peace in the Middle East should unite to build a better future.

Together, we can push back the forces of darkness, and create a future of light and hope for all of us”.

– PM Benjamiin Netanyahu.

The Évian Conference 1938

“The Évian Conference was convened 6–15 July 1938 at Évian-les-Bains, France, to address the problem of German and Austrian Jewish refugees wishing to flee persecution by Nazi Germany.

It was the initiative of United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt who perhaps hoped to obtain commitments from some of the invited nations to accept more refugees, although he took pains to avoid stating that objective expressly.

Historians have suggested that Roosevelt desired to deflect attention and criticism from American policy that severely limited the quota of refugees admitted to the United States.

32 Countries Represented at The Évian Conference 1938

The conference was attended by representatives from 32 countries, and 24 voluntary organizations also attended as observers, presenting plans either orally or in writing.

Golda Meir, the attendee from British Mandatory Palestine, was not permitted to speak or to participate in the proceedings except as an observer. Some 200 international journalists gathered at Évian to observe and report on the meeting.

The Soviet Union refused to take part in the conference, though direct talks on resettlement of Jews and Slavs between German and Soviet governments proceeded at the time of the conference and after it.

In the end, the Soviet Union refused to accept refugees and a year later ordered its border guards to treat all refugees attempting to cross into Soviet territory as spies.

Only Two countries Took Action after the The Évian Conference 1938

The conference was ultimately doomed, as aside from the Dominican Republic and later Costa Rica, delegations from the 32 participating nations failed to come to any agreement about accepting the Jewish refugees fleeing the Third Reich.

The conference thus inadvertently proved to be a useful tool for the Nazi propaganda. Adolf Hitler responded to the news of the conference by saying that if other nations agreed to take the Jews, he would help them leave”.

Consequences of the 1938 Évian Conference Indifference and Apathy

“The result of the failure of the conference was that many of the Jews had no escape and so were ultimately subject to what was known as Hitler’s “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”.

Two months after Évian, in September 1938, Britain and France granted Hitler the right to occupy the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. In November 1938, on Kristallnacht, a massive pogrom across the Third Reich was accompanied by the destruction of over 1,000 synagogues, massacres and the mass arrests of tens of thousands of Jews.

In March 1939, Hitler occupied more of Czechoslovakia, causing a further 180,000 Jews to fall under Axis control, while in May 1939 the British issued the White Paper which barred Jews from entering Palestine or buying land there.

Following their occupation of Poland in late 1939 and invasion of Soviet Union in 1941, the Nazis embarked on a program of systematically killing all Jews in Europe”.

The Complexity Of Sending a Bullet Straight To The Target Bullseye

What happened at the Event when the assassin tried to murder the target person?

Of course, it was good fortune that the five bullets missed the vital organs of the target, but unfortunate that the bullets did kill and wound some other unintended people at the Republican Party event.

This explanation is not to discredit El Shaddai, El Olam, and El Chay, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But also, on the other hand, to be in touch with the reality of the Creation that we have born into on the planet Earth.   

Reality of the Cause and Effect of the Material Universe  

To determine the reality of the good fortune of the target, and  the reality of the Cause and Effect Material Elements of the Planet Earth.

The flight of the bullet hitting the target’s right-hand side ear does not relate to whether he was aiming at the same line of sight.

1A.  The Rifle. Zeroing a rifle is the process of adjusting the sights so the projectile strikes the target as close as possible to the point of aim.

Pointing a rifle and firing the shell at a target at 120 meters does not relate to the bullet hitting the target.

The sights need to be adjusted initially on a rifle and readjusted repeatedly because sights on a riffle over time slightly move, or the materials used in the sights slightly change. Re sighting rifles is required more often than re-tuning a piano.

Why Do Pianos Need To Be Re-tuned?

Because of the cause-and-effect of the material world reality.

There are several ways to prepare a rifle’s scope for hitting the target, at a specific distance shot.

The standard for hunting rifles is 1 MOA (Minute of an Angle. One MOA is a group of 5 shots which at 100m the number of shots is all inside the one-inch square, about 29mm.

A group of bullets, 3-5, or more, is the only way to determine the ability of the shooter, and the line of sight between the gun barrel and the line of sight of the sighs position.

There are at least five ways to miss a target at 100 meters.

  1. Inexperienced rifle user. Poor technique. Jerk of the trigger. Loss of concentration. Awkward, not a comfortable position of the shot position. Rushed shot, etc.
  2. Rifle not sighted. A rile in which the barrel and the sights do not align exactly at 100 meters.
  3. A windy day. Side wind factor.

To determine

The group of shots does not need to be in the bullseye to determine the quality of the rifle, the shooter, the ammunition used, and the weather conditions at the time.   

The group of bullets hitting a target at 100 meters, and the proximity of the bullets to each other, is the most critical point, in revealing five important facts:

1. The precise line of sight between the barrel and the scope.

2. The quality/condition of the rifle for accuracy.

3. The ability of the shooter to shoot straight.

4. The wind conditions at the time. Side wind can manipulate the bullet in flight over a relatively long distance.

5. The ammunition used.  

Who Decided the Trajectory of the Bullet?

The FBI most likely has or will check the rifle whether the rifle was sighted in correctly. By running a test of the rifle sights, at 100 meters, while the gun is secured on the target position.

At the moment there are many unknowns to determine whether El Shaddai actually manipulated the bullet, or manipulated the target person head, by turning it.

Overall, of course, the Republican Party presidential candidate has done many things right, relocating the USA Embassy to Jerusalem was one of those decisions, and in the future he can improve his skills to walk humbly with his God, and to listen more, and to be in tune with the grace of El Shaddai.

God Bless the Republican Party, and good luck to their presidential candidate in the future.

Nick Hayley’s speech at the Republican Party Convention 5 July 2024 – 18 July 2024 was a real deal, awesome and inspiring for the USA Voters this time round.  

Thank you for visiting Best Decision Coach . com

US President With Fellow NATO Leaders at Washington Summit July 12 2024

NATO’s strength, the president said, is the product of continued investment among allies — including U.S. investments to double the number of battle groups on NATO’s eastern flank in recent years.

The President added that 23 NATO allies currently spend at or above the minimum 2% of gross domestic product on defense spending, which is more than two times the number who met the benchmark as recently as 2021.

“For 75 years, our nations have grown and prospered behind the NATO shield,” Biden said. “Today, we’re stronger than we’ve ever been.”

The leaders met as part of the three-day NATO Summit in Washington, where they laid out additional steps to continue to bolster NATO’s strength through key investments in its defense industrial base.

Those investments include an increase in defense industrial production and a pledge to coordinate national plans to strengthen industrial capacity.

“For the first time ever, every NATO nation is pledging to develop plans for defense production at home,” Biden said. “That means the alliance will become more innovative and competitive.”

He said these investments are critical to maintaining deterrence as Russia continues its war in Ukraine.

“Right now, Russia is on a wartime footing with regard to defense production,” Biden said. “They’re significantly ramping up their production of weapons, munitions and vehicles. And they’re doing it with the help of China, North Korea and Iran.

“We cannot allow the alliance to fall behind,” he added.

The president said the pledge serves as a strong message that every NATO member remains committed to further strengthening the alliance.

“We can and will defend every inch of NATO territory,” he said. “And we’ll do it together.”

The allies’ pledged investments in the defense industrial base are part of a broader list of summit outcomes to strengthen the alliance.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg detailed those outcomes during a news conference today after the meeting among the allies.

Those include steps to advance NATO’s modernized command structure and put a new generation of defense plans into practice.

The latest plans, which were agreed to at last year’s summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, are the first comprehensive defense blueprint developed by the alliance since the end of the Cold War.

NATO In Training Against The Russian Global Political Warfare And Anarchist Philosophy

They include an updated force structure to strengthen NATO’s ability to respond to any scenario and across all domains.

The allies have also pledged to expand partnerships with key allies in the Indo-Pacific. This year’s summit includes high-level meetings with key partners in the region, including Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea.

NATO Drawing Closer In Support For Ukraine 2024

The leaders also announced significant steps to further support Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression, as well as Ukraine’s long-term bridge to membership in the alliance.

Those steps include the standup of the NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine, or NSATU, initiative which will coordinate equipment, training and force development for Ukraine as it advances on its path to full interoperability with NATO.

The effort will be based in Germany and carried out in countries throughout the alliance.

“The work we are doing together now will ensure that when the time is right, Ukraine can join [the alliance] without delay,” Stoltenberg said. “It is not a question of if, but when.”

Ukraine Has the Moral Right To Fight and Win Over the Russian War Against Peace

NATO leaders also agreed to a baseline of $43 billion (40 billion euros) of security assistance to Ukraine within the next year.

“We are not doing this because we want to prolong a war,”

Stoltenberg said.

“We are doing this because we want to end the war as soon as possible. The quickest way to end the war is to lose the war, but that would not bring peace. It will only bring occupation.

“So, unless we want Ukraine to lose, unless we want to bow to Putin, we need to show commitment and resolve,”

he said.


Israel In The Promised Land 2024

Psalm 119.

Israel has many vital moral qualities, Biblical attributes, and an understanding of jurisprudence in a democratic society that is superior to that of the enemies of Israel.  Accusations have been hurled at Israel and the Jews since the October 7 massacre on Israeli soil by the terrorist organization Hamas.

An important critical point to ask is, are the accusations part of a deceptive and false agenda?  Are the accusations fabricated lies that come out of the spirit of antisemitism in the Arab world?

One important quality of the Nation of Israel is the blamelessness of the land they have returned to. The historical narrative in the Bible about Abraham goes back about 4000 years.  The El Shaddai made a covenant with Abraham; El Shaddai promised the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Therefore, Israel is blameless regarding the promised land. The 2000-year history from Abraham to the Jewish Rabbi, teacher, preacher, prophet, priest, and Messiah changed nothing regarding the covenant that El Shaddai had made with Israel—Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic. It was not even a question among the disciples of Yeshua from Nazareth nearly 2000 years ago.

Jesus and the apostles walked the streets of Nazareth and Jerusalem. There was no Mohammed or Islam for another 500 years when Yeshua from Nazareth walked the Streets and entered the Temple grounds, making prayers and offerings to YHWH in Jerusalem.

The modern world does not seem to have a handle on evidence-based history. Especially in the world of Media,  they have given themselves to populist mob hysteria and antisemitism that was demonstrating and shouting, “From the River to the Sea.”  The mobs were clueless about the historical facts: Israel had returned to the land that El Shaddai promised to Israel.  Therefore, Israel is blameless regarding the land where they live. It is the promised land.

What about Iran’s leadership antisemitism and funding and arming terrorism? What about the terrorist group Hamas that massacred over 1200 people in Israel, children, women, and aged people? Hijacked some 240 people?

What about the war crimes and crimes against humanity that Russia has committed in Syria and Ukraine since 2014? Are they more innocent and blameless than the IDF and the leadership of Israel?

No, they are all guilty.

The spirit of antisemitism globally is by people who do not have a personal constitution that sits at ease with the God-given instructions in the Bible. E.g., book of Exodus chapter 20.  The Jews were a chosen people, reaffirmed some 3470 years ago.  This was reaffirmed again almost 2000 years ago by the Rabbi, teacher, preacher, prophet, and Messiah, Yeshua from Nazareth.

The people of Israel are living exactly where EL Shaddai allotted to them to live in the Land of Israel and 100% of Jerusalem.

The Koran does not mention Jerusalem not even once. Therefore, the Antisemitic narrative about the “Occupation” is a fabricated lie by people who have a spirit of animosity towards El Shaddai and the Jewish Holy Scriptures that cover Jewish history over almost 4000 years. 

Anybody who has read and understands the Jewish Holy Scriptures will not tolerate the lies and the false accusations that the Islamic world is hurling at the nation and the people of Israel.

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Islam as a Religion | Why IT does not make Sense | Part 1

According to Islam, the Bible has been corrupted and Ishmael is the actual father of Islam. However, by doing some research, we firmly come to the conclusion that Ishmael is only the father of certain Arab nations, not all of them.

Additionally, according to their claims, Isaac is not supposed to be the son of promise, but Ishmael should get this privilege. This belief is by all means irrational because the last Book of the Bible was written 500 years before the birth of Mohammed.

Islam as a Religion | Why IT does not make Sense | Part 2

Click this link.

Russian Leadership Indulgence in the Depths of Stupidity

The Russian leadership has an infatuation with the deeds of stupidity. They cannot help themselves from violating the Spirit of the Natural law and making stupid decisions.

Soviet Union leadership was given to state atheism and idolatry. With all their heart and mind, the Soviet-Russian served IDOLATRY. The Soviet Union idolatry was personified by Karl Marx, Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, and Josef Stalin. The personality cults were the icing on the Soviet Satanic Union.

Soviet Union State atheism from 1922 became increasingly hostile towards religious freedom. Thousands of churches were shut down, some burned down or demolished.  Millions of Bible believers were persecuted and ordered to stop sharing the Good News of their faith, church meetings were shut down, and the Soviet State forbade Evangelism with the Good News.

Millions of believers were imprisoned, threatened, tortured, terrorized, sent to prison, forced labor gulags, killed, and murdered.  Why was the Bible such a threat to the Soviet Satanic Union?

The Bible was a threat to the Soviet State Atheism because the Bible clearly condemned the Soviet Union as an idolatrous evil empire.  

The Russian leadership has made a massive judgment error in their national leadership role. Because of the spirit of arrogant pride in the Russian leadership in the Kremlin, instead of acknowledging their judgment errors, they have taken military action to repress, deny, and fight a war against the rule of law principles.

Soviet Russian Love of Idolatry

The Russian leadership at Kremlin with dictator Putin is in denial of God-given reality. Russian leadership, with many Russian citizens, openly admits that the SOVIET Russian IDOLALTRY is much more valuable to the hearts of Russians than the God-given Spiritual truth given in the Bible.

The repression is an effect of obsession with Soviet-Russo idolatry.  The Russian people have become spiritually blind and deaf to the God-given Word Logos and Rhema.

Obsessive minds that have given themselves to idolatry are like a locked door from the inside. Obstinate minds love their obstinate obsessions. The lust of idolatry has consumed the space of their heart and minds.  They brew behind their locked doors and find comfort for their souls in their idolatry.

The Soviet Russian leadership at the Kremlin’s methods, beliefs, and heresies are a copy of the Soviet Union’s idolatry of Stalinism.  Anyone who spoke against the Soviet Stanic Union idolatry was classified as an anti-Soviet agitator. That is the trademark, the nature and character of Satanic influence.

Professional criminals use money laundering to conceal criminal activities

Russian leadership at the Kremlin is a master at circumventing, defrauding, deluding, duping, falsifying, fooling, hoodwinking, misleading, swindling, and bamboozling the naive Russian and Western audience.

The Bolsheviks were violent anarchists who worked at overthrowing the Russian monarchy for some 17 years. They overthrew the Russian monarchy by criminal and immoral methods. Once the Bolsheviks got into the Russian Government, they set new laws that would protect the Russian Bolsheviks from anyone using the same tactics to overthrow the Bolsheviks out of office in Russia.  

The Soviet Russian history from 1917 clearly shows diabolical spirits active in establishing the Kingdom of Satan HQ on Russian soil. The Kingdom of Satan representatives in Russian history were Karl Marx, the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, and Vladimir Putin.

If Russian people want an express track to infamy with no return to normality, they can do that with their nuke arsenal.

Soviet Union leadership committed millions of unforgivable sins from 1922 to 1991. Meaning that they will never have their sins forgiven and they will be cast out to for eternity.

Matthew 12:31-32 (CJB)

“Because of this, I tell you that people will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but blaspheming the Ruach HaKodesh will not be forgiven. One can say something against the Son of Man and be forgiven; but whoever keeps on speaking against the Ruach HaKodesh will never be forgiven, neither in the ‘olam hazeh nor in the ‘olam haba.”

Matthew 12:31-32 (CJB)

To find out how the Soviet Union leadership committed millions of sins that will never be forgiven, you only need to read the history of religious persecution in the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1991.

To understand the connection between Russian leadership at the Kremlin and Putin has relapsed into the same idolatry as the Soviet Union Josef Stalin personality cult and Nationalism.

Spiritually, there is no distinction between the violations of the Natural law from the Soviet Union leadership and the Russian leadership at the Kremlin.  A violation of the spirit of the natural law is a violation of law. No provision is given to erase the evil deeds that have violated God-given law.  Exodus chapter 20. Denial or repression of the spiritual reality is only subjective in the psychological mind. It makes no difference to God’s reality.

Anti-Soviet agitation

Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda (ASA) was a criminal offence in the Soviet Union. Initially, the term was interchangeably used with counter-revolutionary agitation. The latter term was in use immediately after the October Revolution of 1917. The offence was codified in criminal law in the 1920s, and revised in the 1950s in two articles of the Russian SFSR Criminal Code. The offence was widely used against Soviet dissidents.

Stalin Era

The new Criminal Codes of the 1920s introduced the offence of anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda as one of the many forms of counter-revolutionary activity grouped together under Article 58 of the Russian RSFSR Penal Code. The article was put in force on 25 February 1927 and remained in force throughout the period of Stalinism. Article 58:10, “propaganda and agitation that called to overturn or undermining of the Soviet regime”, was punishable with at least 6 months of imprisonment, up to and including the death sentence in periods of war or unrest.

As applied under during Stalin’s rule, the phrase in practice could mean virtually anything that a State security interrogator or informant wanted it to mean; consequently, the charge became an exceedingly potent weapon in political or personal quarrels and intrigues. 1960s–1980s

USSR Article 70

Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

Long title: Anti-Soviet Agitation and Propaganda

Citation Ved. 1962 No. 29 item 449

Enacted by          Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

Enacted 25 July 1962

The offence was significantly revised in the post-Stalin Criminal Code of the Russian SFSR, introduced in 1958. Article 58.10 was replaced by Article 70, Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda.

It was defined as:

    propaganda or agitation with the purpose of undermining or weakening of the Soviet power or with the purpose of committing or incitement to commit particularly grave crimes against the Soviet state (as defined in the law);

    the spreading with the same purposes of slanderous fabrications that target the Soviet political and social system;

    production, dissemination or storage, for the same purposes, of literature with anti-Soviet content.

The new definition, despite being less draconian than its predecessor, had few if any parallels in the criminal codes of democratic countries.[5]

    ‘You are a Soviet man,’ says the KGB detective, ‘and therefore obliged to help us.’ And what can you say in reply? If you’re not Soviet, what are you: anti-Soviet? That alone is worth seven years in the labor camp and five in exile.

– Vladimir Bukovsky[6]

The penalty was from six months to 7 years of imprisonment, with possible subsequent internal exile from 2 to 5 years. Article 70 was considered by critics of the Soviet regime as a grave violation of freedom of speech. It was one of the two main legal instruments for the prosecution of Soviet dissidents, the other being Article 190 of the Russian SFSR Criminal Code. Other means of control were extrajudicial, such as the use of punitive psychiatry or the generalised offence of “social parasitism”. In particular, the clause about literature targeted samizdat.”

Source: Wikipedia.  Anti-Soviet agitation

Prigozhin Saw the Light in Bakhmut-Ukraine: Kremlin’s Obsession with a Delusion Worldview

The Russian war in Ukraine has been a devastating conflict for the people of both countries. It has been an ongoing battle since 2014, and the effects of the war have been far-reaching. People globally know that the Russian war in Ukraine is a catastrophic error of judgment by the leadership in the Russian Kremlin. In response, some mercenaries in Russia spoke out against the mindless Russian aggression in Ukraine.  Saying that there was no moral or rational reason for the Invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. It was purely another ego trip fantasy for a dictator and the Russian Kremlin to make Russia great again. Meaning that they are obsessed with the delusional Soviet Russo worldview.  Steering towards the Josef Stalin kind of totalitarianism, as a mechanism to make the Russian neighbor’s jump at the Russian Kremlin’s whim. 

The March For Justice Operation 2023

Recently, some mercenaries in Russia launched a new initiative called the March For Justice Operation. This operation is focused on bringing the conflict in Ukraine to an end and restoring peace and stability to the region. The operation is a multi-faceted effort involving many different initiatives.

The Goal of the March For Justice Operation

The goal of the March For Justice Operation is to end the Ukraine conflict and restore peace and stability to the region. The operation is focused on providing humanitarian aid, strengthening the rule of law, and encouraging dialogue and reconciliation between the two sides. The operation also seeks to promote respect for human rights and the rule of law and build trust in the rule of law again.

The Components of the March For Justice Operation

The March For Justice Operation is composed of three main components.

The first component is the Declaration of Truth that the Russian War in Ukraine is mindless insanity.  This includes bringing an end to the Russian missile and random bombing of Ukraine civilians in Ukraine.

The second component is the Rule of Law component, which is focused on strengthening the principles of the rule of law in the Russian Kremlin. This includes helping to strengthen the judicial system and making it clear that no Russian politician is above International law.

The third component is the Dialogue and Reconciliation component, which promotes dialogue and reconciliation between the people of Ukraine and Russia.

Russian Politicians at the Kremlin must pay war reparations to Ukraine,  This includes encouraging dialogue between the two sides and working on the basis of a Biblical worldview, with Respect to Gods Word, His Truth and His Integrity.


The March For Justice Operation initiative by Russian Mercenaries in June 2023 focused on bringing the conflict in Ukraine to an end and restoring peace and stability to the region.

It is a multi-faceted effort that involves providing humanitarian aid, strengthening the rule of law, and promoting dialogue and reconciliation between the two sides. The UN may be interested in the March For Justice Operation once the people of Russia start to think for themselves and stop allowing the totalitarian dictator in Kremlin to drag Russia morally and financially down below the poverty line.

Finally, the Ultimate lawgiver for humanity is the Creator of Life.

Therefore, the politicians in Kremlin should be very afraid because it is evident in the Holy Scriptures that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob does not tolerate intentional evil doers like those in the Kremlin.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (Complete Jewish Bible).

“There are six things Adonai hates, seven which he detests:

a haughty look, a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that plots wicked schemes,

feet swift in running to do evil,

a false witness who lies with every breath,

and him who sows strife among brothers.”

Proverbs 6.

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