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Decision-making process

Decision-making process for personal and business use

Making business decisions for profit, everything we decide to do in life, either immediate, short term or later on eventually has an effect.  To self, others or the environment that surround us, whether a family, personal values, social, economic, the green environment, financial or political.  The personal direct ones are; fitness and health, food and nutrition, family and friends, and social ethics.  Here is an Audio Video link to Decision making process explained.

Decision-making process and reflection after the outcome

Do you ever second guess the decisions that you have made?  I guess you do, especially if the decision turned out not so rosy as it first appeared.  Regret can automatically take back the thoughts to the moment of decision, how that point of time could have changed the future.  E.g. while shopping in a mall you go about looking at the display windows as you walk past them, at one of the windows you stop and look closer longer, and then decide to go inside and have a closer look of the items on display, they could be shoes or handbags or clothing.  You know in the back of your mind that the price is way over the top, and that it is way beyond your budget for that given month.  But temptation works slowly but surely and you end up giving in to that illusion of reward that the item is representing to you at the time.  It was the impulse that flicked the switch of no return, no going back on the purchase of the item.  See details to a study course on decision making here,

Decision-making process
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The alternative would have been to have a 3 step plan before going into the shopping mall; a) knowledge of what you need to buy,  b) how much you have to spend c) what your budget is for the that month.
Decision-making process also as a reminder, writing down on a piece of paper the amount that you have for spending on any other items that you may discover on hunting for a sale during that trip to the shopping mall.

The regret may come up on the same day or a few days later, the purchased item may not fit you as it first felt, it may not be as comfortable as it appeared to be.  Maybe the item was shoes which were on a sale but the intended use was not made for that specific use that you needed shoes the most, it was the wrong design for your favorite most needed application.  That is one example when the second guessing starts to roll, and bring alternative idea examples made at the time of purchase:

  • What were you thinking
  • Why did you make the purchase
  • There were so many other alternative locations, places and time to look later and ask for prices
  • You could go back to the retail store and return the item as unwanted

Lessons learned in the Decision making process

The goal of the Decision making process is to train you how to make confident decisions, every time.  Some people will rely more on the process technique and others lean more on the side of intuition, but be cautious with intuition because impulsive buying can easily be powered by intuition.  The safeguard is to use a reliable decision-making process that lays out a plan that clearly shows what the budget is, and where the spending priorities should go to.

Decision-making process, how to make a good decision and what is the best decision? Don’t waste time in making bad decisions, it is the long road, around and around that delays you from your destination and dreams.  Learn to use a formula, a process, on how to make the best decision for your own good. The right decision, how does one know what is the right decision?  A right decision is not impulsive, it is based on real facts, reality, personal values, company values and policy .

The Decision making process is the focus point of the training course, not so much attention on the problem

The objective goal of confident decision making.  It is by knowing what your personal/company values and service policies are.  The decisions are made with understanding and the support of a knowledge base.  It is important to have such knowledge base so that communication and delegation of values/policy can be made with confidence.

How to delegate decision making in a business, first there needs to be a blueprint of the values, policy, and standards, before delegation can be communicated effectively.

A responsible delegation of responsibility to staff subordinates needs clear communication or company orientation training, which in turn points to the owner-managers of the company, have they mastered the art of decision-making, and what are the values and company policy.

Micro management is fine example of disorganized company management and poor communication habit of values and policies.

With a thorough knowledge of personal/company values or policy, communication can be achieved in less time and better results, that subordinates can refer to the resources at their own pleasure.  This also gives more slack and loosens the reins of management to do the work which they have called and trained to do.

Decisions don’t always rely on a process, once the process becomes familiar and second nature then intuition can easily plug in new ideas and inspiration to the evaluation of opportunities and environments of decision making.  But the process is the guide and safe guard for objective goals.

Right decision have the ability to empower, bad decisions and bad outcomes do the opposite, they diminish the positive energy susbstance out of confident decision making.  Maybe not all right decision has the best outcome, some outcomes of even the best decisions have appalling outcomes, but making the right decision is always the best bet.  Decision-making process is resource of a technique made available at the best decision, but if your budget does not allow for a purchase of the product, then don’t do it, make your own research, be honest, transparent in your own thinking, become more familiar with the issues that you wrestle with making decisions, and ask lots of questions.   All the best of luck with your future decisions. –Best decision coach.

Right decision

Right decision is a skill

The Right decision is a skill that can be learned for various reasons.
Decision making is a process and it is important to know how to make the correct calculated decisions, it has been realized by many successful people that decisions are the building blocks of life.
It needs to be based on facts, values a process based with interests or business goals and policy in the process.  It is like a thought out plan in preparation and training before the competitive game is being played out.  Knowing what a right decision is, what does it look like?  Decision making is not always cut and dry there are many variables to events and actions.   But the decision-making process can be improved and refined, so that the right decisions can be made with the best decision in mind.  See a presentation video of the decision-making training from here.

Right decision
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Best decision in the mind

Humans can evaluate and reflect on the decision that they have made, whether it was the best decision.
And knowing after the decision has been made that it still stands, there are no regrets, because it was the best decision at the given time.
Wrong decisions are also possible, and they become more obvious in hindsight.
According to AMI survey 50% of business decisions are wrong decisions, according to a real deal statistic in critical analytics of business decision making.
It is important to focus on the process of decision making and not so much on the decision itself, when confronted with a decision.
Having a handle on a clear process in decision making, allow you to improve your decision-making outcomes.

Creative solution to making a Right decision

Using a list of ideas as a tool in the decision-making process. The creative path to a solution is found with the help of a list of ideas.  Creative decision making allows the brain to invent new links, leads, structures and concepts.
Intuition has its role in the decision-making process. Good decision making brings in logic with intuition.  Evaluating a problem analytically, looking at it logically but these alone may not reveal the problem so creativity is needed to expand a list of ideas that open up the range of possibilities.
Humans have the ability to second-guess the decision that they have made.
The goal of this course in decision making is to introduce a logical sequence to the decision-making process so that decision making can be made with confidence.   Here are some important points to consider:

  • To have the confidence of knowing that you made the best choice
  • Know when you made the best decision
  • You can, at least know that you made the best decision
  • How to make a confident decision
  • A confident decision maker also has the courage to act
  • And knowing after the decision has been made that it still stands, there are no regrets, because it was the best decision at the given time.

Even after the decision has been made and whatever the outcome, the process of the decision making was based on a reliable facts, personal values and business interests and objective goals, and then it was a matter for a conscious selective choice from a hierarchy ladder of values.  If there are no values, then there are no objective goals for decision making and the outcomes can easily become a simple drift and flow manifestation of fatalism.

Decision making is a skill that can be improved and refined with the right, attitude, values, education and training.

it does also require self-discipline and self-control; some people may be impulsive and make moves without any consideration for the sequential outcome.  Make the right decision today by being aware of good decision making. Some of the most basic decisions that people make, may be about personal health; Food & Nutrition, Fitness & Exercise,  Social Well-being.

Errors in decision making may stem from; lack of information,  unreliable information, many conflicting sources of information, temptation or desire and a personal conflict of values.  Not having a reliable reference and a resource, or an anchor when it is needed, means that there is no real factual truth what to base the plan and decisions on, parameters are important.  To training resources on How to make the Right decision.

Right decision
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Decision making optimized

Decision making optimized with a reliable process

Decision-making optimized with a process, there are five tools available for analyzing the decision-making process.

  • Parameters
  • Policy
  • Analysis
  • Judgement
  • Synthesis

Decision making optimized

With these five cognitive tools, decisions can be made
easily, quickly and effectively. You can use these
five tools to become confident in all of the choices
you make.

1.Parameters – requirements.
-what are the things I need?
-What exactly am I looking for?

2.Policy – Rule
-Ex. No physical products, no exceptions.
-Lunch at 12pm every day

-Logical Thinking
-Good planning

4.Judgement –
-Taking in the facts and making your decision

5.Synthesis – Creating
-creating scenarios in your head
-Can I do this with any of my 5 tools?

Remember, not all decisions are necessary. Decisions
that won’t have long-term consequences, don’t have to
be disputed over!

Why waste time? Why? waste your brain energy if you’re
previously made Parameters can take care of the
decisions for you?

Your 5 Tools can help you every day with making
decisions the right way. The first step is to find
these tools and put them to good use!

In my video training, I teach you how to create
parameters you can use for everyday decision making.

Another post soon with  more great tips on how you
can make decisions the right way.

Let me show you how you can have a competitive edge over your competition by knowing how to make the Best decisions in your own interest.

To your success,

Decisions: Building blocks of life.