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Read A Poem For the New Year 2023

Happy New Year!

Poem by John P.

Brush away old heartaches.
Learn from our mistakes.
Another year is finally over.
A new dawn awakes.

Let the old year out.
Welcome the new one in.
Bury the bad things of the past
As a new year now begins.

Make your New Year wishes
As simple as you can.
Pray for peace and love,
Not for wealth or fame.

Pray for health and happiness.
Pray for your fellow man.
Pray for all the ones you love.
Pray for those who’ve lost their way.

As the midnight hour chimes,
We leave the old and embrace the new.
I wish the things you wish for yourself,
And may God’s love stay with you.

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018

New Year Resolutions Organizations See Success.

The Russian Devil Quotes A Scripture Verse From The New Testament 2022

Russian President Putin at the rally quoted a verse from the New Testament, about “No greater love”.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”…

John 15:13 King James Version

The corrupted soul of Russian President Putin was sold out to Satan early in his political career. Satan makes offers to politicians that are too good to refuse. Unfortunately, Putin has taken the bait of Satan hook, line, and sinker. Crimea 2014, Syria 2015 and now in 2022 going after Ukraine.

Make no mistake, Russian president is a narcissistic liar and a deceiver. It is despicable that Putin tries to justify the blood that is on his hands by quoting the Bible.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah 6:8 ESV

Narcissistic leaders are deceitful, because they fly over the heads of the moral rational people thinking. Professional criminals make a living in deception. They manipulate, lie and deceive the minds that are costumed to ethical rational and moral responsibility. Russian president is corrupted and morally hollowed out derelict. By his errors of judgement and the deception of the affluent pride of life. Putin has been sucked in by his own volition to a decadent bubble of corruption. He has sold his soul to the devil. He cannot even ransom his own soul by sacrificing his life. He is doomed to hell for eternity. Putin like Stalin was a sucker for for the spirit of Satan. They take pride in Satan’s works on earth. We see it in Syria and Ukraine.

  1. After five years of studying Law at a university, he joined the KGB. Putin was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) and studied Law from 1970 at Leningrad State University, graduating in 1975. He worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel, before resigning in 1991 to begin a political career in Saint Petersburg.
  2. “The comparable 10-year period before the rise of Putin after the dissolution of Soviet rule was a time of upheaval in Russia. In a 2005 Kremlin speech, Putin characterized the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the Twentieth Century.”
  3. “Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1917–1991), there were periods when Soviet authorities brutally suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on State interests.[1] Soviet Marxist-Leninist policy consistently advocated the control, suppression, and ultimately, the elimination of religious beliefs, and it actively encouraged the propagation of Marxist-Leninist atheism in the Soviet Union”.
  4. “Throughout the history of the Soviet Union, millions of people suffered political repression, which was an instrument of the state since the October Revolution. It culminated during the Stalin era, then declined, but it continued to exist during the “Khrushchev Thaw”, followed by increased persecution of Soviet dissidents during the Brezhnev era, and it did not cease to exist until late in Mikhail Gorbachev’s rule when it was ended in keeping with his policies of glasnost and perestroika.”………..
  5. “Russia has supported the administration of incumbent President Bashar al-Assad of Syria since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011: politically, with military aid, and (since September 2015) through its Mission in Syria with direct military involvement. The 2015 deployment to Syria marked the first time since the end of the Cold War in 1991 that Russia entered an armed conflict outside the borders of the former Soviet Union.”……….. ………………. “During the course of the Russian intervention, Russia moved beyond bombing just military targets and began bombing hospitals and medical facilities as well as killing thousands upon thousands of civilians.[14] Due to this, Russia’s seat at the UN Human Rights Council was taken away in October 2016. A report by Airwars found a 34% increase in incidents of civilian harm caused by Russia during the first six months of 2018 compared to 2017.”…………..
  6. Political Suppression in Russia. “Alexei Anatolievich Navalny, born 4 June 1976) is a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, and anti-corruption activist. He came to international prominence by organizing anti-government demonstrations and running for office to advocate reforms against corruption in Russia and against President Vladimir Putin and his government. Putin avoids referring directly to Navalny by name. Navalny was a Russian Opposition Coordination Council member. He is the leader of the Russia of the Future party and founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). …………… In July 2013, Navalny received a suspended sentence for embezzlement”…………………
  7. “In December 2014, Navalny received another suspended sentence for embezzlement. Both of his criminal cases were widely considered to be politically motivated and intended to bar him from running in future elections. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) later ruled that the cases violated Navalny’s right to a fair trial, but his sentences were never overturned.”…….
  8. “In August 2020, Navalny was hospitalised in serious condition after being poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent. He was medically evacuated to Berlin and discharged a month later.[22] Navalny accused Putin of being responsible for his poisoning, and an investigation implicated agents from the Federal Security Service (FSB). The EU, UK and US responded by imposing sanctions on senior Russian officials. On 17 January 2021, Navalny returned to Russia and was detained on accusations of violating parole conditions (imposed as a result of his 2014 conviction) because he had failed to report to Russia’s Federal Prison Service (FSIN) twice per month during his illness. Following his arrest and the release of the documentary Putin’s Palace, which accused Putin of corruption, mass protests were held across Russia.[33] On 2 February, his suspended sentence was replaced with a prison sentence of over two and half years’ detention in a corrective labor colony in Vladimir Oblast.”…………. Invasion
  9. Invasion of Ukraine 24 February 2022. On 24 February 2022, Russia began a military invasion of Ukraine, in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that began in 2014. Internationally considered a war of aggression, it is the largest military conflict in Europe since World War II. The invasion has caused the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, with over 3.2 million Ukrainians fleeing their country.”………..
  10. Civilian Casualties from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, 2700-3000. (24 Feb -19 March 2022).
  11. Russian President Putin is a delusional Narcissist.
  12. Russian President is obsessed with the Soviet-Russo Worldview, driven by idolatrous nationalism and self-promoting interests.

Russian President was quoting from New Testament passage, words of Yeshua from Nazareth.

Satan’s track record on earth is the master deceiver. Always going about his business true to his nature, twisting the actual context to a diabolical lie.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”…

John 15:13 King James Version

Russian president Putin was trying to justify the blood that is on his hands to a large crown of Russians at the Stadium.

Russian president has blatantly lied about the his motives and intentions with his decisions to invade Ukraine with 150,000 military force.

To quote the words spoken by Yeshua from Nazareth, to deceive and justify the War against peace is an abomination.

Satan’s character is to lie, steal and destroy. He has done that through politicians in Syria and Ukraine.
Satan has quoted scripture many times before because Satan is an enemy of humanity.


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Warning to Russian President Putin 2022

Soviet Union from 1922 to 1991 was an evil empire. The leaders of Soviet Union violated every God given command and prohibitions in the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Not only did the Soviet Union leaders ban religion in Soviet-Russia but they killed, murdered and tortured those people that were doing God’s will on earth.

To eradicate belief, and faith in the Creator of Life, is an abomination. It is the unforgivable sin against the Ruach Hakodesh. To murder people that are created in the image of God, and attempt to rewrite the God given commands to humanity is one of the most grievous evil that can exist on the planet earth.

For the Russian president to be an agent for Satan’s will on earth will automatically come under the wrath of God. The swords of the Holy Angels will be drawn against the Russian president Putin.

“Woe to those who draw sin along with cords of deceit, and wickedness as with cart ropes,
to those who say, “Let God hurry; let him hasten his work so we may see it.
The plan of the Holy One of Israel— let it approach, let it come into view, so we may know it.”
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light
and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.
Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
but deny justice to the innocent.
Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames,
so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the Law of the Lord Almighty
and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Therefore the Lord’s anger burns against his people; his hand is raised and he strikes them down.
The mountains shake, and the dead bodies are like refuse in the streets.”

Isaiah 5: 18-25.

“You will destroy them for their lies; how you abhor all murder and deception.”

Psalm 5:6

“Their mouths are full of profanity and lies and fraud. They are always boasting of their evil plans.”

Psalm 10:7 Living Bible

“But cowards who turn back from following me, and those who are unfaithful to me, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those conversing with demons, and idol worshipers and all liars—their doom is in the Lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death.”………………

Revelation 21:8 Living Bible

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Soviet-Russian Leadership Record from 1922 to 2022

From early 1900, the Bolsheviks in Russia did everything to undermine the Russian Monarchy. They used propaganda and terrorism to discredit Nicholas 2 leadership in Russia.

It is estimated that 1.8 to 2.2 million Russian died in world war I.

Russia had mobilized 15 million soldiers during First World War.

Primarily European and international conflict began on July 28, 1914, and ended on November 11, 1918.

Germany’s casualties were 2.7 million soldiers.

 The Bolsheviks were complaining that the Russian Tsar was to blame for the Russian casualties during the 1914-1917 phase.

Once the Bolsheviks drummed up anti-monarchy rebellion and the civil war got going, it snuffed out 8 million people lives in Russia.

Anyone understanding can see that rebellion and anarchy only lead to more destruction of human lives.

Once the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian monarchy, they established Soviet union State atheism.


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Soviet Union State Atheism Course of Destruction

Joseph Stalin declared Soviet Union State atheism in 1922. With Joseph Stalin’s State Atheism in power, the destructive forces were released. It was primarily because of their Karl Marx erroneous worldview that they called dialectic materialism. They rejected the Jewish Holy Scriptures. They rejected that there was an Intelligent Creator of Life being. Therefore, they rejected the wisdom of the Jewish Holy Scriptures. And wrote their own subjective narrative according to their subjective take on life as dictators do.

It is estimated that from 1922 to 1953, Joseph Stalin was responsible by his actions to killing 20 million Russian lives.  

The Russian leadership is on the same path as the Soviet Union leadership. They reject the Spirit of wisdom from the outside and write their own subjective narrative. Whether it is human rights, International law, or the wisdom of YHWH.

Also, they have rejected moral principles that most other countries’ leadership involved in the second world war accepted over 70 years ago. Russia continues to profit from the war crimes of Joseph Stalin today. They have profited and refused to accept that Joseph Stalin was a war criminal and stole land and property from the Nordic country Finland, Japanese Islands, and some East European countries.

Why does the Russian leadership refuse to accept responsibility for Soviet-Russian war crimes?

They refuse because they are spiritually corrupted, and they believe that crime does pay. They experienced that during 1939-1945. The Katyn forest massacres 1940, Syria 2014, Crimea, East Ukraine, and the invasion of Ukraine territory. Russian leaders are corrupt and continue to build Russia on the foundations of the Soviet Union law of the jungle.

That needs to change. It is long overdue. What the people of Germany and the people of Japan did 70 years ago, the people of Russia need to come clean and clean out their country of professional criminals abusing the office of the Russian government.  

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a pathological liar.

Russian Foreign minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is also a pathological liar.

Both of the above Russian politicians are immoral BS artists.

They have no respect or integrity in the words that come out of their mouth.

They have the same sprits as Joseph Stalin and the foreign minister Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov.  


The conspiracy and the aggression of the Soviet Union in 1939 was the implementation of the Soviet Union’s share in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression. Even before the two parties met to discuss the Pact, it was apparently a Crime against Peace conspiracy, intention to rob the innocent with military aggression and forceful violence. Joseph Stalin was a willing partner in the plan to invade and take the Baltic States and Finland by force and subjugate them under the totalitarian Soviet domination, just like they did with Poland 1939, Estonia, Latvia, Czechoslovakia from 1940 – 1991.   The Soviets military occupied the Baltic States for 50 years. The intent in the crime against peace and aggression was evident in the Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact. Both parties of the Pact agreed to benefit themselves from the aggression of warfare against the Baltic States and Finland. Many hundreds of thousands of innocent people died from the cause of the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression 1939-41. Why have the Russian leaders treated such blatant crime against peace by the Soviet Union with indifference and nationalistic pride? Also, it was treated with indifference by the Allied forces during 1941-1991? To answer that question is self-evident.

First, there needs to be an established definition of truth and integrity. The absolute definition of a natural state, law of nature, and natural rights?  


The only constraint given by the law of nature is that the rights that we have, the natural rights that we have, we can’t give them up to another. It is a human moral responsibility under the Spirit of Natural Law. Nor can we take rights away from others. Under the state of nature, people are not free to take other’s life, their liberty, or their property. Those are the fundamental rights and the responsible, intelligent human character traits that humans must uphold spiritually. The human response is faithful to human qualities, more than animal reactions or responses.   Human beings do not even have the freedom to take their own life or liberty away. That would be morally irresponsible. The nature of the intelligent human mind is to have free will with liberty, the ability to choose right. They do not have the liberty to violate the spiritual law of nature. They do not have the freedom to take their own lives or sell themselves to slavery. Or to give someone arbitrary power over them. Why is that?

Where does such a human spiritual law of nature come from?

There are absolute minimal constraints? It comes from the Creator of life. People are creatures created by God. He has the last property rights to human beings and animals. They are living beings, created with a living soul. Intellect will, imaginations, consciousness, memory, and emotions.  

The human mind with intellect and consciousness is created in God’s image. Enables the mind to understand with self-awareness what is proper behavior and what is wrong behavior.

The exercise of the will, with intelligent consciousness, makes a choice; it chooses to do that which is right.

The obstacle to making the right choice can be self-will. Desire wants or covets someone else’s person or property. The mechanism of self-will can submit the self to a higher cause.

Truth, integrity, respect for other people’s rights. Therefore, the intelligent, conscious person can quit the self-will, humble themselves, and maintain a respectable human character above the carnal flesh’s selfish desires.  


“That obliges everyone: and reason, which is that law that teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” Jock Locke. Natural rights are inalienable rights. Every human has property in his own person. Therefore, nobody has any right to but to themself. The labor of his body and the work of his hands are also the property of his and her.

Ultimately made only possible by the Creator of life. That is the Spirit of the Natural law. Human Natural rights to live in harmony with the will of the Creator of life. Therefore, totalitarian dictators driven by selfish ambitions, populism, and nationalistic forces need to be condemned without any reservations because they are violating the Spirit of the Natural Law, Natural Rights, and the dignity of human life.

Most obviously, human rebellion and lawlessness against the Spirit of the Natural Law sow the seeds of anarchy, which works to do the Nemesis’s will on earth. There is an ongoing violent conflict in human lives, recruitment of people’s souls to two opposing forces. Good and evil.


“Men run into troubles by their own folly and then fret at the appointments of God.”  

Proverbs 19: 3-5.

“Delight is not seemly for a fool — To live in affluence, pleasure, and outward glory, doth not become him, nor suit with him; because prosperity corrupts even wise men and makes fools mad; and because it gives him more opportunity to discover his folly, and to make mischief both to himself and others.”

Proverbs 19: 10.

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”   Proverbs 11: 3. (NIV) “Better the poor whose walk is blameless than the rich whose ways are perverse.”

Proverbs 28: 6. (NIV)

“The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”

Proverbs 12: 22. (NIV)

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”

Proverbs 21: 3. (NIV)


“If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.”    

Exodus 22: 2-3. (ESV)

“The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

Genesis 6: 5. (ESV)

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”  

Proverbs 13: 20. (ESV)

“There is swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.”  

Hosea 4: 2. (ESV)

“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”  

Proverbs 6: 16-19. (ESV)

“The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.”   Psalm 11: 5. (ESV)  


A comparison of war crime/ genocide committed by the Soviet Union against the Polish nationals in 1940. Here is a comparison between the Soviet Union 1940 war crimes/ genocide against the Polish Nationals. And the Imperial Japanese Navy and Air Forces surprise attack against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. The point is the scale of the atrocity and damage, the severity of the attack by the aggressor. When does it cross the war crimes red line? When is the declaration of war justified? Where is the red line boundary of lawlessness? The Spirit of the Natural Law is real. Natural rights come from human life intrinsic value.

Why is it important for people everywhere to have a responsible moral duty for humanity? The nationalism that is corrupted by the Soviet Union – Russia was, is not worthy of people’s respect.

It becomes a corrupted totalitarian lawless Pariah State. It has no authority to be in the government of millions of law respecting people.

Truth respecting people deserve honest leaders, not corrupted criminals.

Nationalism then becomes a dirty, corrupted word.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.”    

Proverbs 14: 34.

Where does the justified war action begin? Is it determined by political will? Do aggression and violence have any connection to justified war?

During World War 2, the Western Allied forces did not look at or understand the Nordic or Baltic perspective of their Worldview nor seek true justice with the Spirit of the Natural Law.

They presumed their own opportunistic imperialistic Worldview as being a God-given privilege. Whereby their own self-interest and righteousness with their affectionate emotions justified the turning of the blind eye to the Soviet Union war crimes 1939-45. According to the Spirit of the Natural Law, the Allied forces were not open or interested in true justice but slightly more driven by their subjective victor’s justice.  

There are many examples in the A CLAIM FOR A TRUE WORLDVIEW book that points out the failures with evidence that the Imperials were playing the end game toward their own interest goals.

They used law and justice to condemn the weaker and the lesser in the political power game. Moreover, turned a blind eye when the Imperial Super States committed genocide and war crimes.

That is a serious crime of corruption globally, which means that corruption will continue to corrode the metal of the bridges in International law.

No one is making an effort to renew and rebuild stronger bridges that can take and carry a load of the Spirit of the Natural Law true justice.  

The Soviet Red Army’s invasion of Eastern Poland on September 17, 1939, by a secret protocol of the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression, rendered the Polish defense plan obsolete.

The German-Soviet Frontier Treaty was a second supplementary protocol of the 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact (known as the German-Soviet Treaty of Nonaggression. It was a secret clause as amended on September 28, 1939, by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union after their joint invasion and occupation of sovereign Poland.

It was signed by Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, the foreign ministers of Germany and the Soviet Union, in the presence of Joseph Stalin.

The treaty was a follow-up to the first secret protocol of the Molotov– Ribbentrop Pact signed on August 23, 1939, between the two countries before their invasion of Poland and the start of World War II in Europe.  

By September 17, the Polish defense was already broken, and the only hope was to retreat and reorganize along the Romanian Bridgehead.

However, these plans were rendered obsolete nearly overnight, when the over 800,000-strong Soviet Red Army entered and created the Belarusian and Ukrainian fronts after invading the eastern regions of Poland in violation of the Riga Peace Treaty, the Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, and other international treaties, both bilateral and multilateral.”…………………….

(Invasion, Invasion of Poland, 1939)

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Location 4488).


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NATO Assurance For The Rule Of Law

The NATO assurance for upholding the rule оf lаw in East Europe is as complex аѕ the elements of a living soul functions of the mind in humans.

The will, imagination, consciousness, memory, emotions will not automatically tune itself to measurable goals in life without the power of the intellect. The will is blind and cannot choose the next objective without the intellect engaging the consciousness, imagination, and memory; information is vital for intelligent decision making.

Once information is engaged, then the will can move into meaningful action. Unfortunately, there are much self-interest and blindness in the International world of politics.

The international world of sports is far more superior in their worldview, ethics, and equal opportunity for all competitors.  

How many despotic dictators have there been in the individual sports of the last 100 years?

Meaning, that they wrote the rules of the game for their advantage? The international sports world would not tolerate it? Because cheating in a fair rule game is not rational. Sport is all about fair competition with equal opportunity for all participants according to the written rules of the game.

There is overall justice to the game. What about team sports? How many teams has there been with a dictator changing the rules for their own team advantage? The world of team sports would not tolerate it. They would not accept such a despotic team into their world of sports. It would be an irrational deviation from the Spirit of fair games.

Many individuals have been cheating; once caught, they are penalized according to the law.  



Nationalism is often rooted in the Stone Age, human carnal nature. The Bolshevik’s communist ideology that commenced in 1917 – 1922 was a primitive and backward model for a government. It had a seriously erroneous worldview.

Moreover, the life philosophy was flawed through the darkened minds of the atheistic dictators that selfishly placed themselves in the role that belongs only to the Creator of life.

Humans cannot presume the role of a Creator of the universe, the first cause of life. An intelligent Creator of life does exist; in the beginning, the Creator, the first cause created, whether humans have the faith to believe the facts that are recorded in the Holy Scriptures or not.  

Here is a scripture that describes what happens to the mind that does not respect the Creator of Life. When individual people do not appreciate the value of human life and disrespect the works of the Creator as found in the natural fauna and flora, then the mind is darkened to severe subjective errors in their worldview.

 ““For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.”   Romans 1: 21-25. (NIV)


Thе rооt problem with International Politics is the national biased self-interest, the use of military force as a legitimate lever for imposing Nationalistic interests on other nations and cultures.

  • 1939 Nazi Germany- Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression Czechoslovakia Austria Poland Denmark Norway Belgium
  • The Netherlands, France, Britain – the Channel Islands Italy
  • 1939 Joseph Stalin USSR – Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression 1939 USSR – Poland invasion.
  • 1939 USSR — Finland invasion
  • 1940 USSR – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania invasion  

The conflict between the Nordic region and Russia саn bе trасеd bасk tо early 1400 whеn Ruѕѕiаn ѕtаrtеd inсrеаѕing its еxраnѕiоniѕt policies far North and wide East, left right and center.

Thе Russian expansionism led frоm Mоѕсоw clashed with the general Chriѕtiаn Worldview and vаluеѕ which were uрhеld bу Swеdеn аѕ еаrlу аѕ thе 12 century аnd has соntinuеd for 700 уеаrѕ.

The Ruѕѕiа leaders and peoples have bеliеvеd at times in thе principles of the rule оf lаw.

The Soviet Union leaders did not believe in the prinсiрlеѕ оf the rule of law that was derived from the Spirit of the Natural Law.

The difference between the partial letter of the law and the Spirit of the Natural Law is essential to understanding true justice. The subjective biases in lawmaking. Making a written law for the sake of self-interest.

The Spirit of the Natural law is unchangeable, always consistent, and impartial Universally.  


There iѕ a реrѕiѕtеnt gеороlitiсаl expansionist jittеring between the Wеѕt аnd East. Internal Pеrреtuаting movement, еvеr since early 1900. I hаѕ bееn ongoing in Russia tо conquer thе Baltic Stаtеѕ and European tеrritоrу. Evеn аftеr Russian expanded from Moscow tо be thе lаrgеѕt lаnd аrеа оf аnу other Stаtе which alone has nоt ѕаtiѕfiеd the nation’s leaders inѕаtiаblе luѕt fоr more tеrritоrу. It iѕ simplistic primitivе рrеоссuраtiоn tо vаluе nothing еlѕе оthеr thаn соnquеring оthеr peoples tеrritоrу. Who is perpetuating the unrest for more territory? The Nemesis behind the provocations perpetuated the conflict with demonic influence. There is no rest for the wicket. They give in to temptations and gо to соrruрtiоn аnd сrimе and реrvеrt thе сourse of justice. Nation leaders appeal to the human ego, at times to ѕаtiѕfу thеir own nationalistic lust and pride in conquering tеrritоrу. It appeals to the willful human carnal nature.  


Thе communist еxраnѕiоniѕm wоrldviеw iѕ a fаlѕе lifе рhilоѕорhу, tо gamble еvеrу other human moral vаluе оn thе vеrу narrow and рrimitivе concept оf ѕuссеѕѕ bу еliminаting others tо grow ѕеlf-intеrеѕt nationalism. On thеѕе fаlѕе principles, thе Sоviеt Union fell into dеѕроtiѕm аnd fаilеd to function аѕ a nоrmаl ѕtаtе with a dеmосrаtiс соmmunitу. It had a pretense of “socialism,” Biblically speaking, it was pseudo-socialism. It failed the spiritual content test.  


 Thе ѕtudу оf History reveals the true nature of diсtаtоrѕ thаt аrе аllоwеd to operate with lаwlеѕѕnеѕѕ. Humanism iѕ often blind to thе nаturе of spiritual rеbеlliоn аnd lаwlеѕѕnеѕѕ.

Humanism dоеѕ nоt асknоwlеdgе the true nature of the human conflict between good and evil.

They do not acknowledge their allegiance to the will of the Nemesis by denying God of the Universe.

Humаniѕm dоеѕ fоѕtеr rеѕресt fоr реорlе but dоеѕ nоt асknоwlеdgе thе dеереr rеаlitiеѕ оf the spiritual life on thе рlаnеt earth, and hоw the physical seeds аrе ѕоwn in the рhуѕiсаl wоrld.

Parallel in the ѕрirituаl wоrld. The seeds sown may take root and mаnifеѕt and grow fоr a time in the physical world.   The metaphysical world соntаinѕ a much lаrgеr рrороrtiоn оf rеаlitу thаn most реорlе realize оr want tо аdmit.

Human bеhаviоr at thе subconscious lеvеl рlауѕ a lаrgе role in thе оvеrаll реrѕоnаlitу. Whаt iѕ in thе subconsciousness соmеѕ оut eventually in thе mаnifеѕtаtiоn оf thе personality.

Therefore, the current events, e.g., Ukraine 2022, Crimea 2014, Eаѕt Ukrаinе, and Syria 2011 -2022, have a connection to the ѕееdѕ ѕоwn in thе past spiritual rеаlitу.

Connected to the USSR Joseph Stalin’s lawlessness and corruption, spiritually thаt comes to the surface and mаnifеѕts in thе mdoern day Russian politics 2022.

In the spiritual sense, if the seedbed of the Soviet Union was not what it was in the spiritual reality, then the Russian leadership attitude towards International law could not possibly be what it is today.

Therefore, in one sense, the projector is in the past, on the lap of Stalin. The policy is being played and projected to today’s viewing screen.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have studied law at a University.

How could they possibly appeal to being ignorant of the purpose of the law?

Law is not a license to advance self.

The purpose of civil law is to remind people of the principles of the Spirit of Natural Law.  

They do what they do because they love to break God-given laws more than they respect God.

There is a spiritual link there to the Nemesis, through the power of temptation.

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.”  

  Romans 8: 14.  


“Putin studied Law at the Leningrad State University (now Saint Petersburg State University) in 1970 and graduated in 1975.”

(Encyclopedia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, 2022)  


“In the autumn of 1982, 17-year-old Medvedev enrolled at Leningrad State University to study law.

Although he also considered studying linguistics, Medvedev later said he never regretted his choice, finding his chosen subject increasingly fascinating: lucky “to have chosen a field that genuinely interested him and that it was really ‘his thing.”

(Wikipedia, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, 2022)  

 Nationalistic ruling spirits in the outer ether f the spiritual realm.   There is a link between the past Soviet Union leadership influence and the current (2022) Russian leadership worldview.

From 1900 -1991 and from 1922 to today in 2022. (USSR).

What is the link connection?

 Stalin was influenced and gave himself to the influence and the powers of Satan. Similarly, in proportion to their disrespect of the Spirit of the Natural Law, the current Russian leadership will be violating the Spirit of the Natural Law.

Historically, the Soviet Union-Russian leader’s minds have been deceived by the dark sinister forces of the Nemesis.  

Similarly, the people of the Russian nation have been influenced, but most often in a different area than their leaders. That is no excuse to be disrespectful of the Spirit of the Natural Law or to be deliberately breaking laws. Likewise, the servants of Satan today are influenced by the same characteristics of the Nemesis.

Satan does not grow old and die, as Stalin did in 1953. Therefore, the Nemesis spirit that influenced the leaders of the USSR from 1922-1953 to have the same power and methods of temptation to influence the Russian leaders from 2000 to 2020.  

That is the link between people and the dark forces of the spirit world that serve the purposes of Satan. Ruѕѕiаn leader’s nаrrаtivе often dоеѕ nоt come frоm the rule of law-governed reality; thеу have and come from their own worldview рrораgаndа rеаlitу, аlibiеѕ that blаmе thе people who support the principles of the Spirit of the Natural Law.

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 4983-4998).


Amazon Books. Buy this book Online today.


“Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were anarchists; they rebelled, that is why Stalin was often in prison, and Lenin had to flee from Russia. They were anti-Christ and anti-God.

The Bolsheviks took the authority from the Monarchy by force. Some may think that was a good thing to do. However, was it moral? Was it legal? Was it ethical? Was it done in the Spirit of the Natural law? And did it give glory to the Creator of Life? If not, then it was a curse on their people and the nation.

The casualties alone from the Russian Civil war were approx. 1.3 Million on the Red side, and 1.5 million on the White Russian side. Total approx. 2,800,000 casualties.  

The Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 also cost many lives. All that happened even before the Soviet Union Stalin’s meat grinder was established in 1922. Many more millions of lives lost due to the materialistic leadership of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin did not submit to the legitimate governing authority of their nation. Once in power, they ruled with a totalitarian iron fist, demanding a total submission from everyone.

Stalin caused over a hundred fold of casualties to the Russian people that Nicholas II ever did. It goes to show how empty the human mind is if it does not submit to legitimate authority. Rebellions, anarchists, and dictators always cause much more damage by their willful self-appointments.  

Leaders abuse power. The natural reaction from ordinary people is to remove the leaders that are abusing privilege and power. How the change takes place makes all the difference between right and wrong, which side of the natural law the people end up on. Outside of the law or inside the Spirit of the Natural law.  


How many? At least 22.

  • Peter III, Emperor of Russia 1762
  • Paul I Emperor of Russia, 1801.
  • Mikhail Miloradovich, military Governor of Saint Petersburg. 1825.
  • Nikolay Mezentsov, Executive Director of the Third Section, 1878.
  • Nikolay Alekseyev, Mayor of Moscow. 1893.
  • Alexander II of Russia, Tsar of All Russia.
  • 1881. Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov, Governor-General of Finland 1904.
  • Vyacheslav von Plehve, Russian Interior Minister. 1904.
  • Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, former Governor-General of Moscow. 1905.
  • Pyotr Stolypin, Russian Prime Minister 1911. Tsar Nicholas II and his family, 1918.
  • Elizabeth of Hesse, Grand Duchess of Russia, 1918.
  • Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, 1918.
  • Princes John Constantinovich, Constantine Constantinovich, and Igor Constantinovich, poet and prince. 1918.
  • Sergei Mironovich Kirov. 1934. A prominent early Bolshevik leader in the Soviet Union.
  • Grigory Zinoviev. 1936. Most prominent former communist party leader.
  • Lev Kamenev, 1936. Most prominent former communist party leader.
  • Yuri Piatakov. Anti-Soviet Trotskyite-centre. 1937.
  • Grigory Sokolnikov, anti-Soviet Trotskyite-centre. 1937.
  • Nikolai Bukharin, Russian Bolshevik revolutionary. 1938.

“The Great Purge or the Great Terror was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union, which occurred from 1936 to 1938.

It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, widespread police surveillance, suspicion of “saboteurs,” “counter-revolutionaries,” imprisonment, and arbitrary executions. Solomon Mikhoels, Chairman of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. 1948. The above list leads to a question about the connection between the Nemesis and the people’s hearts and minds. What drives people to rebellion, lawlessness, and anarchy?”…………………………….

Buy this Book Today…………….

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 6147-6156).

2020 Election Day irregularities IN DELAWARE COUNTY usa

PA poll watcher: USB cards uploaded to voting machines 24+ times, 47 USB cards missing | NTD

A Republican poll observer from Pennsylvania’s Delaware County told a Senate GOP Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg on Nov. 25 that he witnessed a range of Election Day irregularities, including 47 USB cards that went missing.

Greg Stenstrom, who, besides being a poll watcher, said he’s an expert in security fraud, told the hearing that he witnessed a number of chain-of-custody violations, including around mail-in ballots, the balance of votes from drop boxes, and the handling of USB card flash drives—all of which he said broke rules defined by the Delaware County Board of Elections and the election process review.

“They didn’t follow one,” Stenstrom said. “It shocked me that this could happen.”

He described witnessing a situation in which data on USB cards was uploaded to voting machines by a warehouse supervisor without being observed by a poll watcher, which he said he saw happen at least 24 times.

“He’s walking in with baggies, which we have pictures of and that were submitted in our affidavits,” Stenstrom said, adding that Democratic poll watchers also witnessed this occurrence.

Stenstrom said he was told by an attorney that it’s normal for several USB cards to be left in machines and then brought back by the warehouse manager for input into tally systems. He added that when he later raised the issue with U.S. Attorney William McSwain and some law enforcement officers, he was told it is unusual for more than two drives to be left in voting machines.

He said he was later told that “these 24 to 30 cards that were uploaded” were unaccounted for, adding that “as of today, 47 USB v-cards are missing.”…………….

………………………Watch this video………

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health In 2020

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health in 2020 is presented as another opportunity to make a difference for a better future.

Are you concerned with your health?  Do you want to ensure you can see your children or grandchildren grow up?  If so, take your health concerns and transform them into goals.  In fact, make this your year to improve your health.  If you want to improve your health, continue reading on for a few good New Year’s resolutions. 

1 – Stop Smoking

Despite the dangers, many Americans smoke.  If you are a smoker and want to improve your health, the first step is getting rid of the cigarettes.  Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy as it sounds.  Many smokers are addicted to nicotine.  Not only that, but smoking becomes a habit.  Do you smoke in the car?  If so, you may literally feel lost without having one hand attached to a cigarette.

If you want to improve your health and stop smoking, know it will not happen overnight.  That is why stop smoking is an excellent New Year’s resolution because you have all year to reach your goal.  Although you may get lucky and stop smoking right away, many smokers have to try multiple times.  If you do, don’t give up.  Rely on support from friends, family, and your primary care physician.  If you must, rely on stop-smoking tools, such as nicotine gum and support groups, to end your addiction and improve your health.

2 – Lose Weight

Obesity is a big problem in the United States.  If you are obese, your health is at risk.  Those who are severely obese put themselves at risk for early death.  Diabetes and asthma have also been linked to obesity.  So, if you are overweight and want to improve your health, the first step is losing weight.  Unfortunately, saying you want to lose weight is a lot easier than actually doing it.

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, focus on the smaller picture.  Examine the components of losing weight, including diet and exercise.  Instead of focusing on losing weight, focus on reducing junk foods from your diet, and exercising.  Soon, the rest will fall into place.

3 – Eat Healthy

As previously stated, healthy eating is an essential component of losing weight.  Even if you do not need to lose weight, you should still eat healthily.  Yes, it is okay to eat a package of cookies if you will burn off the calories moving around at work, but why consume junk food?  Only do so on occasion.  If you are genuinely looking to improve your health by ridding your body of unnatural chemicals and additives, make the switch to organic foods.

Whether you opt for healthy eating to lose weight or just to improve your overall health, be careful when shopping.  Organic foods are costly, but you can save money by shopping at specialty food stores, looking for sales, or using coupons.  If you don’t want to eat organic, examine calories and fat.  You do not have to purchase diet foods to eat healthily. 

4 – Exercise More

In addition to eating healthy, exercise is another vital component of weight loss.  As with healthy eating, it is recommended even if you do not need to lose weight. Activity not only results in a thin body but a fit body.  If you don’t exercise or only do so on occasion, make it your New Year’s resolution.  Whether you take daily walks outside or head to the gym, make this your year to get fit and be in shape.

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Who Holds the Schools Accountable?

Perhaps the most significant difference between public and private schools in the system of accountability.  Children know all about being held accountable.  Not long after they leave behind infancy, children learn that virtually everybody is going to keep them responsible for something or another in almost every situation they will be in with children.  And they become little experts at meeting the expectations of adults, even if it’s just surface fulfillment of the requirements and not genuine accountability.

But the truth is that all of us are held accountable to fulfill our responsibilities.  Jobs hold employees accountable.  In marriage, the husband and wives hold each other accountable to live up to the marriage vows.  Even businesses are held responsible by customers.  If the company fails to live up to the expectation of the customers, they will go out of business and not make any money anymore.

Responsibility and accountability are the core of what makes us tick as people, and by extension, what makes institutions work the way they are supposed to work to serve the needs of the public.  Accountability means that someone somewhere is going to judge you on your performance.  If you are performing well, a performance-based reward system then rewards.  If you are not performing well, you are punished, corrected, or dismissed.  It’s not a hard system to understand, and your children understand it in depth.

In school, children are held accountable every day by adults and teachers.  Not only do they have to live up to behavior expectations in class, but they must also participate in lessons, be part of experience related activities and do homework and take tests and get good grades to be rewarded with a high-grade average to take on to the next class/degree and eventually to college. 

But who holds the schools accountable to do the jobs they are required to do?  That is the fundamental difference between public and private schools.  Private schools are entirely held responsible by the parents of the children who attend that school.  Now in every private school, there is an internal system and structure to execute accountability daily in the form of the school administration and the principle.  But ultimately, if the school is not living up to the promises it makes to the parents who pay what are often high fees for that education for their children, those parents can pull their kids out and go elsewhere.

So a private school lives under the laws of the marketplace, which keeps other businesses working correctly.  Parents can fire them, so it pays for them to listen to parents, to keep parents informed, and to make sure that at the end of the semester, the quality of education and the educational experience the kids had was top notch.

Public schools, on the other hand, are not held accountable by parents.  They are held responsible by the government.  And as we all know from watching how well our politicians behave, the government is pretty awful at holding anybody accountable for anything.  So the public school systems and the teachers with administrators in schools in the local town very quickly, instinctively learn how to “just get by” on satisfying government requirements, and those requirements have precious little to do with the educational experience of your child or of your expectations as parents.

Now the public schools will put on a pretty good show that they want the input of parents and that they want to be accountable to parents.  That is because you, as a parent, have two very potent weapons at your disposal that can hurt the school if they don’t convince you that they are living up to expectations.  You can vote and use politics to make the government live up to its job.  Or you can take your child out of the public schools and take them to a school that will be responsive to your needs and expectations.

One system is bureaucratic and based on government oversight, which seldom works.  The other is based on the laws of the marketplace and driven by satisfying consumer needs.  That system is the private school system, and the consumer is you and your child.  And while the private school route is more expensive, by patronizing the method that works and that will be ultimately accountable to you, you are voting that the public system doesn’t work, so maybe someday the government will fix it.  But we aren’t holding our breath for that.

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When Fear is a Part of Life at School

When fear is a part of life at School, it creates internal muscular and emotional tensions. You can probably think back on some of your favorite classes when you were growing up and going to school.  And when you think again fondly on that class, how would you describe the atmosphere of the class and the motivation system that was used by the school and by the administration to get you to achieve and excel? The odds are if that class is one you remember as inspirational and one of the favorite times you had in school, the relationship with the teacher was relaxed, creative, and affectionate.  And the one emotion that you no doubt never felt in that classroom was fear.

We brought this topic up with that illustration because it is incredible how often fear is the center of the culture at many schools where the objective is to inspire students to learn.  This is particularly true in public schools.  The culture of public schools very often becomes overwhelmed with the need for order and the strict stipulations for student attendance and tracking put on the school by state regulations.  The outcome is that the administration of the school often lives in fear of failing in one of these many state-level requirements for fear of losing funding or some other form of punishment.  And that fear is passed along to the students.

Fear is also a culture of a school that is overcrowded.  The simple fact is that even if the teacher of a particular course is creative and loves being with students and filling their minds with the joy of learning if you overwhelm that teacher with more students than he or she should reasonably have in class, the emphasis of the classroom shifts from learning to keeping order.  And when that change of priority takes place, fear is the primary tool used to maintain order so the information can be presented to the students. 

Sadly, if students are in that room after being intimidated and threatened, even the best of the student will close his or her mind to learning.  If you are a parent and you sit in on a class to see how well the craft of teaching is carried out, you come away with the misperception that the course was well run if the students sit quietly staring forward while the teacher lays out bland information for them to absorb and write down.  If young people sit quietly and do not interact with the teacher, they are doing so out of fear.  And fear is one of the worst teaching tools there is.

Private schools have the opportunity to create a better learning environment for their students because traditionally, private schools have a lower teacher to student ratio, so interaction is encouraged, and fear is not needed to maintain order in the classroom.  But even then, to foster an atmosphere of discussion and learning, you must have teachers who are talented at leading group discussions, who write their curriculum’s to include interaction as a teaching tool and who are not afraid of the students.

Fear goes two ways in a school situation.  If the student body is frightening to each other, very often, they are also scary to the teachers.  This is the setting where gangs develop in school cultures or where the culture of student life deteriorates to where troubled students can impose fear on others.  In this day and age of school shootings and other violence-related campus outbreaks, if the school allows that kind of culture to grow up, it is challenging to get it under control.  And just as fear from the top-down destroys the love of learning, fear from the student body up destroys a teacher’s ability to communicate his or her love of the subject matter openly and leads to dull and uninteresting classrooms, which only makes things worse.

As with controlling fear due to overcrowding, private schools also have the edge in managing anxiety coming from the student body.  Private schools are not required to keep any students that they don’t feel fit the culture of the school.  Each parent and student sign contracts agreeing not to become disruptive in action, dress, or attitude and what is disturbing is left to the school to determine.  So private schools can remove students who are a threat, and with their removal, the fear of harm goes as well.

The Writing Is On The Wall

The Writing Is On The Wall

Why are the Democrats in American politics so Presumptuous and Prejudiced against genuine Security Barrier at the Southern USA Border?

Since losing to the Republicans, the Democrats have become increasingly prejudiced and presumptuous against sound reasoning and logic.

Proverbs 6:16-19 New International Version (NIV)

“There are six things the Lord hates,

seven that are detestable to him:

> haughty eyes,

> a lying tongue,

> hands that shed innocent blood,

> a heart that devises wicked schemes,

> feet that are quick to rush into evil,

> a false witness who pours out lies

> and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

Security barriers really do work

Security barriers have been used as a preventative barrier to the willful, misled, and misguided minds of people that willfully want to enter an area that is prohibited by the law of the land.

Preventative barriers are everywhere in every society in the world. Animals need to be constrained and guided, but why do thinking human beings with a free will need to be controlled by barriers?

Before you presumptuously answer the above question, look around your own domain first, the living areas, property, motor vehicles and count all the security measures and barriers that are in place at your home, that stops entry, use or taking it away without the owner’s permission.

The motor vehicle has it, some cars have 7-8 locks, doors, windows, boot, bonnet, power, start and security alarms.

Why do you need to secure property items that rightfully belongs to you? Do material things grow legs and they just walk out of your property? Or have some willful minds on legs, decided beforehand to seek out material wealth that belongs to someone else? And consciously enter and take property that belongs to someone else?

Yes, the latter is right, wilful minds that have disconnected themselves from a heart and mind unity with honesty and integrity. The human moral condition can be in a state of depravity, void of integrity from a very early age, also in the worst-case scenario be coarsened and encouraged by their parents to lie, cheat and steal from others, in order to survive in a dog eat dog environments, where the law of the jungle is the only authority. Many people do live in the ancient Natural State, the pre-government rule of law in a society.

There is also the anarchist’s worldview, and the atheist’s world view, that does not accept the Ten Commandments received by Moses over 3450 years ago.

The Writing Is On The Wall.


Barriers and walls are used for a legitimate moral reason, with morally responsible purpose. If a barrier can stop drug smugglers, people trafficking, and other illegal activity crossing the national borders, then it is a lie to say that a barrier/wall is immoral.

Walls are mentioned 58 times in the Bible, walls, and barriers were used because they have a preventative effect on lawbreakers. Barriers restrict individual wilful actors, from getting their illegal activities through.

American petty politics between the Democrats and the Republicans have fallen to a ridicules nonsense level. Yet, the American politicians and the voting public that are engaged in their emotional battle are utterly blind to the spirit of truth.

Revelation 21:12-27 Names of God Bible.

“It had a large, high wall with 12 gates. Twelve angels were at the gates. The names of the 12 tribes of Israel were written on the gates. There were three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west. The wall of the city had 12 foundations. The 12 names of the 12 apostles of the lamb were written on them.”…