Law of attraction marketing
The concept of the Law of Attraction, though not always called
this name, has been around for decades. First popularized in the
1910 book The Science of Getting Rich written by Wallace D.
Wattles, it was solidified as a school of thought in Napoleon
Hill’s famous book Think and Grow Rich published in 1937.
Then a movie called The Secret was produced and released by
Rhonda Byrne in 2006 and the Law of Attraction entered modern
times. The movie popularized the Law of Attraction and suddenly
millions were enthralled by the idea.
But here is the interesting fact about The Secret. The movie is
a documentary about optimistic thinking, but it was distributed
using a brilliant marketing campaign that included offering
online streaming video movie versions.
The movie’s huge success was directly attributed to the
marketing program that attracted millions of viewers. In other
words, the Law of Attraction was the topic of a movie that used
Law of Attraction marketing to achieve success!
Law of attraction marketing makes sense
The Law of Attraction marketing makes sense. If you concentrate on and believe in what you want to achieve in life, you can succeed. So
what if you apply these intense deeply personal beliefs to real
world marketing to attract customers…which is what you really
want and need to grow your business?
Using the tools that the Law of Attraction principles provide
can help you succeed in business by helping you connect with
One of the reasons so many people get bogged down in careers
that bring them little satisfaction is fear. There’s plenty to
fear too if you want to live your life afraid all the time. Fear mechanism can also have effect in the area of self-protection, and to avoid risk taking. In the positive sense, it is good to avoid foolhardy risk taking and losing hard earned savings.
For example, you can fear not being able to pay the bills. You
can fear what other people will think if you start an internet
business. You can fear your family’s reaction to your
entrepreneurial spirit. You can fear how much time an internet
business will require. But moderation is needed at all levels of life.
Of course, millions of people right now wish they had not been
afraid of starting something new because they lost their
full-time jobs! But regrets of making obvious mistakes are a reminder with memories to wise up, and learn from the mistakes previously made, and never repeat the same mistakes.
One of the advantages of internet marketing is that you can
start part-time if you want. The business will be there to take
it full-time when you are ready. master the concepts of the Law
of Attraction and its application to your business will become
clear. It begins with focus.
The full background story can be found within the official
eBook course, which you can get by following the link below.
Click this link to see the eBook offer. Law of Attraction.
Thank you for visiting Best Decision Coach website, and reading this article on the Law of attraction marketing.