The American politicians have a history of being naive and useful idiots for the forces of the enemy.
The American politician blunders affects lasted decades and trillions dollars were lost due to the American politicians blunders.
The American politicians that were useful idiots were too narrow minded, and they did not listen to the Eastern Europeans and the Nordic country people regarding the spiritual identity and the nature of the Soviet Russo beast, that did not respect the spirit of the Natural law.
Regardless of the Bolshevik violence and crimes against humanity during 1917 to 1922, and the slaughter of the rule of law respecting Russian monarchists the Western politicians believed that peace would win in the end.
The establishment of the Soviet Satanic Union in Russian 1922 built up the military in order to get an upper hand over their European and Nordic country neighbors. Peaceful existence and cooperation with the Russian Western neighbors was not on the agenda. The Soviet Russian wanted to conquer and dominate over the gullible peace loving citizens of the East Europe and the Nordic countries.
The violence and destruction of humanity in the Stalin Soviet Russia from 1922 to 1939 is an abomination. The western politicians were spiritually blind and deaf to recognize the nature of the Soviet Satanic Union beast.
The American useful idiots gave more powers and provision to Josef Stalin Soviet Satanic Union during a time when the German Operation Barbarossa was a judgement of God to strike down and punish the godless Soviet Satanic Union State Atheism. Religious persecution, the shut down of religion freedom in Russia, hundreds of gulag forced labor camps, the Moscow trials and death sentences on the innocent, millions of Russian died because of the Soviet Satanic Union and the despotic leadership of Josef Stalin.
The American useful idiot politicians provided Billions of dollars to Josef Stalin, by the Arctic Sea Route, food supplies, alcohol, military uniforms, winter clothing, thousands of airplanes, trucks, jeeps, and much much more.
There should have been more constraints relative to nature of the Soviet Satanic Union beast. The nature of the beast was not going to change, even if the Americans provided help during the judgement of God upon Josef Stalin Soviet Satanic Union.
It only took five short years when America citizens would have to go back on the defensive against the Karl Marx worldview philosophy, implemented by the Soviet Satanic Union communism, and global revolution effort by the USSR and China.
The USSR Cold War position and force was made possible by the Western Alliance support and provision given to Josef Stalin during 1941 – 1950.
The 1917 t0 1922 Bolsheviks revolution in Russia should not have been encouraged, because their Karl Marx ideological worldview was godless and diabolical. It should have been allowed to die by the hand of the Germans in 1941-1944.
A controlled elimination of the Soviet Satanic union diabolical worldview.
The American and Western useful idiot politicians were spiritually blind and deaf, they called Josef Stalin a Good Old Joe. Why would they call such an enemy of humanity and a professional criminal and a murderer of humanity a “Good Old Joe?”, because the American and Western politicians are so shallow, spiritually deaf and blind.
Is Donald Trump Going To Be the Next Useful American idiot For the Russians?
Donald Trump is driven by deals, only the republican Party can put constraints and brakes on him. If the American politicians would study history, and learn from the East European and the Nordic people regarding the spirit and the nature of the Soviet Satanic Union beast, and keep their distance far away, from making deals, that will allow the Soviet Satanic beast too live on and regain more military power and strength. The current Russian leadership in the Kremlin is motivated by the Soviet Russo nationalism, godless totalitarian nationalism.
Say no to Putin, say no to Soviet Russian nationalism.