Category Archives: Security Barriers

The Writing Is On The Wall

The Writing Is On The Wall

Why are the Democrats in American politics so Presumptuous and Prejudiced against genuine Security Barrier at the Southern USA Border?

Since losing to the Republicans, the Democrats have become increasingly prejudiced and presumptuous against sound reasoning and logic.

Proverbs 6:16-19 New International Version (NIV)

“There are six things the Lord hates,

seven that are detestable to him:

> haughty eyes,

> a lying tongue,

> hands that shed innocent blood,

> a heart that devises wicked schemes,

> feet that are quick to rush into evil,

> a false witness who pours out lies

> and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

Security barriers really do work

Security barriers have been used as a preventative barrier to the willful, misled, and misguided minds of people that willfully want to enter an area that is prohibited by the law of the land.

Preventative barriers are everywhere in every society in the world. Animals need to be constrained and guided, but why do thinking human beings with a free will need to be controlled by barriers?

Before you presumptuously answer the above question, look around your own domain first, the living areas, property, motor vehicles and count all the security measures and barriers that are in place at your home, that stops entry, use or taking it away without the owner’s permission.

The motor vehicle has it, some cars have 7-8 locks, doors, windows, boot, bonnet, power, start and security alarms.

Why do you need to secure property items that rightfully belongs to you? Do material things grow legs and they just walk out of your property? Or have some willful minds on legs, decided beforehand to seek out material wealth that belongs to someone else? And consciously enter and take property that belongs to someone else?

Yes, the latter is right, wilful minds that have disconnected themselves from a heart and mind unity with honesty and integrity. The human moral condition can be in a state of depravity, void of integrity from a very early age, also in the worst-case scenario be coarsened and encouraged by their parents to lie, cheat and steal from others, in order to survive in a dog eat dog environments, where the law of the jungle is the only authority. Many people do live in the ancient Natural State, the pre-government rule of law in a society.

There is also the anarchist’s worldview, and the atheist’s world view, that does not accept the Ten Commandments received by Moses over 3450 years ago.

The Writing Is On The Wall.


Barriers and walls are used for a legitimate moral reason, with morally responsible purpose. If a barrier can stop drug smugglers, people trafficking, and other illegal activity crossing the national borders, then it is a lie to say that a barrier/wall is immoral.

Walls are mentioned 58 times in the Bible, walls, and barriers were used because they have a preventative effect on lawbreakers. Barriers restrict individual wilful actors, from getting their illegal activities through.

American petty politics between the Democrats and the Republicans have fallen to a ridicules nonsense level. Yet, the American politicians and the voting public that are engaged in their emotional battle are utterly blind to the spirit of truth.

Revelation 21:12-27 Names of God Bible.

“It had a large, high wall with 12 gates. Twelve angels were at the gates. The names of the 12 tribes of Israel were written on the gates. There were three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west. The wall of the city had 12 foundations. The 12 names of the 12 apostles of the lamb were written on them.”…